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4K restoration on Star Wars — Page 303


DrDre said:

Fang Zei said:

DrDre said:

Jedi Master Skywalker said:


JJ is on our sides

That’s good to hear, and I respect him for being open about his views in this matter, but he sadly also confirms the OOT will not be released for reasons even he doesn’t understand.

As far as he knows.

This is pretty major imo. We have the director of 2/3 of the ST saying on camera in a sit-down interview that he doesn’t understand why the unaltered versions haven’t been restored to modern quality. The most we’d gotten from him prior was casually mentioning he’d shown his kids the original versions in a written interview several years ago (whether this was the GOUT or Harmy is unclear).

Rian hasn’t brought up the subject at all to my knowledge since he was hired by LFL back in 2014, although he did jokingly refer to the SE as “the cartoon version” on twitter the week the bd’s came out back in 2011.

I think, it goes a little bit beyond, as far as he knows. He literally states, he asked about the OOT, and was told a release wasn’t possible. So, I think it’s almost certain the OOT will not be included in the physical release of the 4K versions next year. In this respect it’s also important to note, that the new 4K master was done under the supervision of Lucas before the sale of LFM, making it even less likely the OOT will be restored, as this will be an archive release, not a new restoration by Disney. The release of the OOT is becoming less likely with every year that passes, and with physical media becoming extinct, next year will likely be the last opportunity for such a release, as the SE will forever remain the available versions on streaming services. I just don’t see it happening next year, and so I don’t see it happening at all, sadly.

Well, we know this isn’t entirely true, since these new 4K versions were clearly mastered after Disney’s Lucasfilm acquisition. They include the revised Lucasfilm logo that Disney created in 2015, and they were given the Dolby Vision HDR treatment by the same Company 3 colorists who did The Mandalorian. Dolby Vision didn’t even exist until around 2015.

I think you’re probably right that the foundation of this 4K version existed back before Disney’s acquisition, and was completed under George’s supervision. But I’m afraid your assumption — that the entire master as a whole was completed before then — is simply not true. In fact, looking at the evidence, I would wager that in its current, completed form, this new 4K version was completed this year.


44rh1n said:

DrDre said:

Fang Zei said:

DrDre said:

Jedi Master Skywalker said:


JJ is on our sides

That’s good to hear, and I respect him for being open about his views in this matter, but he sadly also confirms the OOT will not be released for reasons even he doesn’t understand.

As far as he knows.

This is pretty major imo. We have the director of 2/3 of the ST saying on camera in a sit-down interview that he doesn’t understand why the unaltered versions haven’t been restored to modern quality. The most we’d gotten from him prior was casually mentioning he’d shown his kids the original versions in a written interview several years ago (whether this was the GOUT or Harmy is unclear).

Rian hasn’t brought up the subject at all to my knowledge since he was hired by LFL back in 2014, although he did jokingly refer to the SE as “the cartoon version” on twitter the week the bd’s came out back in 2011.

I think, it goes a little bit beyond, as far as he knows. He literally states, he asked about the OOT, and was told a release wasn’t possible. So, I think it’s almost certain the OOT will not be included in the physical release of the 4K versions next year. In this respect it’s also important to note, that the new 4K master was done under the supervision of Lucas before the sale of LFM, making it even less likely the OOT will be restored, as this will be an archive release, not a new restoration by Disney. The release of the OOT is becoming less likely with every year that passes, and with physical media becoming extinct, next year will likely be the last opportunity for such a release, as the SE will forever remain the available versions on streaming services. I just don’t see it happening next year, and so I don’t see it happening at all, sadly.

Well, we know this isn’t entirely true, since these new 4K versions were clearly mastered after Disney’s Lucasfilm acquisition. They include the revised Lucasfilm logo that Disney created in 2015, and they were given the Dolby Vision HDR treatment by the same Company 3 colorists who did The Mandalorian. Dolby Vision didn’t even exist until around 2015.

I think you’re probably right that the foundation of this 4K version existed back before Disney’s acquisition, and was completed under George’s supervision. But I’m afraid your assumption — that the entire master as a whole was completed before then — is simply not true. In fact, looking at the evidence, I would wager that in its current, completed form, this new 4K version was completed this year.

The color grading for was likely done in the Disney era, but the 4K restoration by Lowry was finished long before that. Remember that Gareth Edwards was shown the new restoration when he worked on RO. Here’s what an employee at Lowry had to say about it (https://thecantina.starwarsnewsnet.com/index.php?threads/star-wars-4k.54414/):

"Reviving an old thread; I’m not 100% sure of George Lucas’ personal involvement with the actual reviewing of re-mastered content, but ILM worked closely with us to restore the original Star Wars Trilogy in 4K.

For those curious, there was a budget, but compared to the DVD remasters we did a decade ago, more money was pumped into creating pristine masters of the original film scans. The remastered footage was completed around 2012, but unfortunately nothing has come of that since.

I can most certainly guarantee you that nobody else is re-mastering the original SW films at this point. I say this with confidence because there is absolutely no one in the industry with technology as good as ours. Mind you that at this point, our software technology ceased development 6 years ago. If that tells you anything about the slow advancements in technology industry wide. This is the main reason Lucas came to us to begin with. We didn’t do the color correction, we only color grade for our own internal purposes. Our outfit is the only place James Cameron, David Fincher and George Lucas, to name a few – would send their films to. Unfortunately, a side effect of good work is price and the industry is flooded with cheap automated systems restoring films. The price the consumer pays is generic 4K upreses.

In my opinion I can only assume that they are waiting for advances in color technology to really make the remasters “pop”."


Fang Zei said:

DrDre said:

Fang Zei said:

DrDre said:

Jedi Master Skywalker said:


JJ is on our sides

That’s good to hear, and I respect him for being open about his views in this matter, but he sadly also confirms the OOT will not be released for reasons even he doesn’t understand.

As far as he knows.

This is pretty major imo. We have the director of 2/3 of the ST saying on camera in a sit-down interview that he doesn’t understand why the unaltered versions haven’t been restored to modern quality. The most we’d gotten from him prior was casually mentioning he’d shown his kids the original versions in a written interview several years ago (whether this was the GOUT or Harmy is unclear).

Rian hasn’t brought up the subject at all to my knowledge since he was hired by LFL back in 2014, although he did jokingly refer to the SE as “the cartoon version” on twitter the week the bd’s came out back in 2011.

I think, it goes a little bit beyond, as far as he knows. He literally states, he asked about the OOT, and was told a release wasn’t possible. So, I think it’s almost certain the OOT will not be included in the physical release of the 4K versions next year. In this respect it’s also important to note, that the new 4K master was done under the supervision of Lucas before the sale of LFM, making it even less likely the OOT will be restored, as this will be an archive release, not a new restoration by Disney. The release of the OOT is becoming less likely with every year that passes, and with physical media becoming extinct, next year will likely be the last opportunity for such a release, as the SE will forever remain the available versions on streaming services. I just don’t see it happening next year, and so I don’t see it happening at all, sadly.

…but I’d say the physical 4k release will sell in significantly higher numbers if an unaltered restoration is included…

Well OBVIOUSLY but that in no way confirms that’s their intentions. My hope for an OUT restoration has been more or less dead for 2+ years now and I think this J.J. interview is only a further nail in the coffin. Do I want to be wrong? Of course but eventually becoming hopeful only fades into delusion the longer time passes where nothing happens.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Disney revises and buries the original versions of their own films without reservation. It’s laughable to believe they would approach Star Wars any differently.

And this is why I’m boycotting Disney. It’s not merely because I hate the ST; it’s due to everything they do, their approach towards filmmaking and film preservation and copyright in general. All corporations are evil, but Disney’s a breed apart, and I won’t feed that godless abomination a single non-circulating Canadian penny.

Now the bastards own ALIEN. I’m terrified the original materials will be buried in their black archive for good.


Irrelevant that it would sell better. Doesn’t change the fact that physical media isn’t even a drop in the bucket for Disney.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


In keeping with my volunteer role as keeper of the dim flame that is but a fool’s hope, I’m posting the transcript of this conversation with JJ Abrams, and reminding people that JJ Abrams is a very cautious and careful political animal when on the PR circuit, and chooses his words very carefully, ESPECIALLY after he burnt himself on the press tour for Star Trek Into Darkness.

Interviewer: Would you as a fan like to see the theatrical versions made available commercially?
Abrams: Yes, and I have asked about this-
Interviewer: -really?
Abrams: Well, 'cause who wouldn’t wanna see that? But I’ve been told that, for reasons that I don’t quite understand, that that’s not necessarily possible.

And then the interviewer goes on to misrepresent the whole Library of Congress anecdote and Abrams pokes fun at him for it, so on and so forth, but that’s the relevant bit.

Here’s the cracks of daylight that might be poking through the maybe not all the way closed door:

Abrams might have asked awhile ago (like, circa 2013/14) and… just never asked again, and so he doesn’t know what the current plans are, since he’s been very busy making a movie and all.

The words “not necessarily” carry a lot of weight, as does his “reasons I don’t quite understand.” It says he’s at a remove, and he’s not clear on what it is that’s actually happening with it, and more importantly, that he never really followed up.

The most simple explanation is that someone (Kennedy? Iger?) told him the same thing we’ve all come to understand over the same 5-6 year period: They don’t come out because Lucasfilm doesn’t want to piss off George Lucas if they don’t have to, and they know this isn’t a thing he really wants, so out of courtesy, they’re not doing it.

That’s confusing and weird to a lot of fans (to the point we’ve created out of whole cloth and perpetuated for the last 5-6 years a crackpot theory about contractual clauses) so I don’t know why it wouldn’t be confusing to Abrams in a quick conversation with Kathy Kennedy or Bob Iger four years ago, either. Especially if he’s coming at it from the standpoint of “but you guys own it. And you have access to better equipment than literally anyone else trying to do this work.”

But he’s still being careful. He asked once, was told a thing, and is still hedging bets on its possibility. Just because he directed the newest Star Wars movie doesn’t necessarily (hey, there’s that word) mean he knows what the rest of Disney/Lucasfilm is planning on doing with the other films, any more than John Landis (who doesn’t even work there) knew what they were doing a few years ago when he told everyone the originals were coming because he was talking to George one day.


The words “not necessarily” carry a lot of weight, as does his “reasons I don’t quite understand.” It says he’s at a remove, and he’s not clear on what it is that’s actually happening with it, and more importantly, that he never really followed up.

No those words are of course dodging real answers to avoid giving away his stance. He’d love to see the OOT (because saying otherwise would annoy fans) but can’t say any more (to avoid annoying his current employer). It’s pro Q&A stuff.


Is Disney really that obligated to Lucas’ (oftentimes changing) and ego-driven ‘vision’ so that it is impossible for them to release the OUT? I mean they rejected his Sequel Trilogy treatments very early in the whole process. Why not take the final step and release the theatrical cuts?

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


Haarspalter said:

Why not take the final step and release the theatrical cuts?

That’s all they have up their sleeve (that and the outtakes from the OT), DISNEY STAR WARS is sh*t. If they do decide to finally release the unaltered versions, it’ll be on their streaming service - the a-holes.


But as others have mentioned the Disney stance on revisionism is very clear. George’s version of the story is like Walt’s version of the story now. Imagine in a few years if they wanted to make Saving Mr Banks but it’s about making Star Wars. Can’t have any pesky originals hanging about.


Haarspalter said:

Is Disney really that obligated to Lucas’ (oftentimes changing) and ego-driven ‘vision’ so that it is impossible for them to release the OUT? I mean they rejected his Sequel Trilogy treatments very early in the whole process. Why not take the final step and release the theatrical cuts?

Not really I think, but they just don’t care like 95% of the world. The OOT has zero relevance for them financially, and as others pointed out Disney is already known for being revisionist. So, the combination of a lack of commitment to preserving classic films in their original form, Lucas’ desire to suppress them, and a diminishing demand for the original versions, makes it highly unlikely they will ever be released again.


Haarspalter said:

I mean they rejected his Sequel Trilogy treatments very early in the whole process

Given the result we got (TFA being the worst SW ever and TLJ being a weird meta movie about SW instead of being a SW film), it really was a poor move…

So when are those 4k versions scheduled for a physical release ?


MalàStrana said:

Haarspalter said:

I mean they rejected his Sequel Trilogy treatments very early in the whole process

Given the result we got (TFA being the worst SW ever […]), it really was a poor move…

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


DrDre said:

Not really I think, but they just don’t care like 95% of the world. The OOT has zero relevance for them financially, and as others pointed out Disney is already known for being revisionist. So, the combination of a lack of commitment to preserving classic films in their original form, Lucas’ desire to suppress them, and a diminishing demand for the original versions, makes it highly unlikely they will ever be released again.

Hit the nail on the head. Physical media is gasping out its dying breath. We’ve reached a point where most consumers don’t realize there’re now greater than five distinct versions of this film, and even among those who are aware, the versions they can stream for “free” on Disney+ are considered “good enough.”

We are a niche within a niche. 15 years ago during the height of the DVD boom a release of the OOT could have been a big deal, but not so much now. From a cynical corporate bottom line perspective, any money there’d be in releasing the original films on UHD discs isn’t enough to be worth losing whatever benefits Disney gets from staying in Lucas’s good graces. And yeah, I do believe that a lot of the leadership at Lucasfilm feels a strong personal sense of loyalty to the guy and aren’t in any hurry to betray that.

Also, if we’re being fully frank here, any official release of the films is unlikely to be as faithful to the original as the 4K77 project, and if that particular preservation’s not your jam there are, like, half a dozen others to choose from. It’d be nice to have a widely available official release, but too few people care, and for those of us who do, we’ve got options. Maybe things might be different after Lucas is gone, but I for one am not hoping for that any time soon, so for now I’m content with excellent fan preservations and an official version that – though it still contains the unsavory alterations – looks better than basically any other official release to date.


doubleofive said:

Then we have to GET people to care. I’m never giving up.

Me being in my 20’s, I’ve encouraged my friends who like SW to check out the Original cuts. They are aware of there being different versions, but don’t necessarily care what version they are watching. I’ve show some of them comparisons and they are like “oh, ok, cool” and good on about their day. This is a world we are in today where the Original cuts don’t matter to most anymore. However, they did say they will check it out if it came to a new formate, either Bul-ray or streaming.

But with each passing year it gets wiped from anyone really caring.

One day we will have properly restored versions of the Original Unaltered Trilogy (OUT); or 1977, 1980, 1983 Theatrical released versions (Like 4K77,4K80 and 4K83); including Prequels. So that future generations can enjoy these historic films that changed cinema forever.

Yoda: Try not, do or do not, there is no try.


pat man said:

doubleofive said:

Then we have to GET people to care. I’m never giving up.

Me being in my 20’s, I’ve encouraged my friends who like SW to check out the Original cuts. They are aware of there being different versions, but don’t necessarily care what version they are watching. I’ve show some of them comparisons and they are like “oh, ok, cool” and good on about their day. This is a world we are in today where the Original cuts don’t matter to most anymore. However, they did say they will check it out if it came to a new formate, either Bul-ray or streaming.

But with each passing year it gets wiped from anyone really caring.

I’m a bit older than you, but this has been my experience as well.

Hasn’t stopped me from forcibly giving my friends and family copies of Despecialized, though!


And I think a lot of younger people who grew up on the Special Editions, the prequels and the Clone Wars basically worship George Lucas, so I’ve seen a lot more people defend ha choices nowadays. Plus, the Special Editions are their Star Wars. I think this is what George was hoping for.