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Transformers: Primeval (Released)


Poster (for Plex) - https://www.deviantart.com/greedlin/art/Transformers-Primeval-Fan-Edit-Poster-823113017?ga_submit_new=10%3A1576023952

What is it?
A fan edit that cuts Transformers 4 and 5 into 1 film with a streamlined story that cuts them down to 2h34m

Story After the battle of Chicago, Sam is on the run, and the Transformers are in hiding, Optimus is found by Cad Yager, an inverter from Texas. After Cad saves and fixes Optimus they go on the run from the government. But the real threat is when Lockdown kidnaps Optimus to take him to his maker, Quintessa. On Earth Cad has dedicated his life to protecting the Autobots and when a strange medieval knight autoboat is found a talisman is attached to Cad, making him the fable Last Knight. Cad is swiped away to England by the strange order of Witwiky. Once in England Cad meats Vivan, a Oxford Professor on Legends. Vivan turns out to be the last distant of Merlin. Merlin’s magic was really Autobot technology, and only his staff can stop Quintessa from destroying the Earth and set Optimus free.

What was cut?
The ending of 4, most stupid or annoying dialog from 4 and 5. Daughter/Driver romance from 4, Almost all of Izabella and All of Agent Simons from 5.

What was added?
Sam has been returned to the franchise using scenes from Age of Extinction and the movie Eagle Eye (2008) He replaces Simons.

The Edit is done, and ready to be seen by others. DM me

1/28/22 -
A brand NEW edit has been done, fixing the errors that happen when it was encoded. Removing some more scenes and dialog from 5 and fixing my inclusion if Sam.

To me, Star Wars is a brand that means quality, just because it’s a bad SW film, doesn’t mean it’s a bad movie.


I’d like to see this, your idea of how to include Sam intrigues me.


Can I have a link i love to c that I saw part four and five in theaters


Brand New Version (2.0) has been made. I’ve been going back and fixing my older work lately. It’s slow, I have work, family, and other hobbies. Only Avengers and Venom really need to be fixed currently.

To me, Star Wars is a brand that means quality, just because it’s a bad SW film, doesn’t mean it’s a bad movie.


Ater staring to watch almightycuties transformers trilogy …Your fanedit of the last to films can replace the originals i guess…an you please send me a link to your fanedit?


Hadam10Rose said:

Brand New Version (2.0) has been made. I’ve been going back and fixing my older work lately. It’s slow, I have work, family, and other hobbies. Only Avengers and Venom really need to be fixed currently.

Could I please get a link to version 2.0? I tried watching version 1.0, but it’s a tad rough. Thanks in advance!


Can you make a HD version of this fanedit? It is only in 360p.


For the next version, would you cut Galvatron and Stinger? They’re still in the edit but dont appear after AOD? Same with Lockdown. I think it is better that KSI is just a company that uses the Transformers technology to create advanced weapons.


Hey could you send the link. Very interested to check out