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Post #1308959

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Wars, organizations, relationships, and galactic history before the Prequels
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Date created
5-Dec-2019, 1:19 AM

DuracellEnergizer said:

I’ve come to dislike the notion that Force-sensitivity is something which can be cloned. Like adding a strong hereditary component to the Force, or the midi-chlorian crap, it grounds what should be a spiritual power to genetics.

There is a real world precedent though; in the past it was felt that certain families were descended and/or favoured by God/The Gods/Fate - genetics was never on the table, rather people were “blessed” for some unknown reason.

I always liked the hereditary component as an addition to the spiritual side. The Force is somewhat accessible to everyone, but it runs stronger in certain bloodlines for reasons unknown…and that should remain unknown. You need to explain why everyone isn’t a force user after all, right Duracell?