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Post #1308065

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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
30-Nov-2019, 6:30 AM

Vladius said:

oojason said:

Vladius said:

oojason said:

EddieDean said:

Sorry if I’ve not been up with recent discussions, but what was broken about Holdo’s hair being purple?

Nothing mate.

Though some may want to tackle it as a technical challenge / exercise (apparently it is quite a difficult, labour-intensive task to to do - and get right).

Others don’t like the Holdo character and wish to make changes to her.

An aesthetic choice - some seemingly don’t like (through to some not being able to stand) people having purple hair in their Star Wars space opera / fantasy films.

A few have problems that the purple hair meant that the Holdo character was a lesbian; an oft-mentioned comment when making racist, sexist, homophobic or other derogatory comments on other female characters in the Sequels too.

I like to think most on here doing this change for Edits see it as an aesthetic choice or a technical exercise / challenge…

I think it’s really dishonest to reduce anyone who doesn’t like The Last Jedi to a bunch of politically motivated epithets like “racist,” “sexist,” “homophobic,” etc.

I suggest you read my post again - because I am not sure how you claim to that conclusion based on what I wrote.

“A few have problems that the purple hair meant that the Holdo character was a lesbian; an oft-mentioned comment when making racist, sexist, homophobic or other derogatory comments on other female characters in the Sequels too.”

You said “a few,” but you also said, “oft-mentioned,” and I have zero trust in you or others like you to make the distinction. You’ve defended Johnson for his fan bashing several times. “Oh no, he just doesn’t like the bad ones.” That’s nonsense. It’s essentially a political divide, and I think it’s fine to acknowledge that openly.

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

ooJason has posted articles on here highlighting the fact that Rian Johnson has indeed called out the toxic fans - sexists, racists, homophobes and people who issue death threats etc; and that Rian Johnson has no problem with fans simply voicing their dislike of the movie.

Rian Johnson is on record saying exactly this - he has no problem with fans who simply don’t like the movie.

You continue to deny this, and accuse others with present any facts yourself, and also conintue to derail the thread with comments you have been repeatedly told are more suited to other more apt formus of the site. And you continue further!

Seems ooJason somehow triggered you when you said “I think it’s really dishonest to reduce anyone who doesn’t like The Last Jedi to a bunch of politically motivated epithets like “racist,” “sexist,” “homophobic,” etc.” - which you know full well what he was not referring to that.

Going on your post history here I can see why you did try to claim it given your attitude to women in film. Yet when you make up quotes, continue to derail this thread, ignore moderator requests to stop, and try bullshit your way with accusations on others, taking their posts way of context, attack others in here… it only refelcts poorly on yourself. And also others who may agree with you.

Like many of your kind, you are a coward. A sexist who hides behind feeble excuses, and will say anything to continue your transparent agenda here.

Man, I don’t like the purple hair or the Holdo character that much - and am glad the fan editors here are coming up with many choices for fans to watch different versions of many films here - but I am more glad to be nothing like you. You are toxic about it.

I hope more people call you out on your actions here. This place is one of the least toxic places online and that is why I love it. I’d hate it to become like other places filled with toxic views and people like you. You’ve already tried to ruin this thread.

Sorry mods. Rant over.