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Post #1307926

Wannabe Scholar
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What stories/intellectual properties (other than Star Wars) would you like to retell/rewrite?
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Date created
28-Nov-2019, 10:19 PM

DuracellEnergizer said:


Stargate '94 has amazing costumes, sets, music, and lore, but weak writing and characterization. Stargate SG-1 has good characterization and writing, but it feels like a Trek knockoff, complete with generic English-speaking extraterrestrial civilizations and technobabble. I’d essentially like to craft a Stargate reboot which contains all the best elements of SG '94, SG-1, SGU, and the Bill McCay novels, and none of their worst.

I’d probably limit the humans seeded across the galaxy to north African stock rather than go gung-ho with Greeks, Chinese, Native Americans. etc. Also, no frickin’ Ancients/Ori/Ascension. That stuff wrecked Stargate for me.

Yeah, I can agree with that (partly anyway). As much as I love SG-1 up to Season 6/7 (since I pretty much liked Anubis and I do like the Ancients to a degree), I admittedly can see the humans across the galaxy being more North Africans (e.g. Berbers/Amazigh, etc.) than to being really close to what we perceive as the great ancient civilizations. And yeah, the Ori bits freaking sucked. I was okay with Ascension to a point since it gave me Anubis (one of my favorite SG-1 villains, even if he can be a Palpatine knockoff), but it really went off the rails after Anubis was defeated over Antartica.

Anyway, I have some ideas, so continuing off my list:

  1. The Legend of Korra - As someone who likes Avatar: The Last Airbender, I had been looking forward to its sequel, The Legend of Korra (or TLOK), and I did enjoy the show… at the beginning. When I first saw Korra, I thoguht of her hotheaded attitude to be like Raphael from Ninja Turtles but she would grow over time to be more mature. Sadly, that didn’t exactly happen. Over time, the show really got convoluted with its mythos, overturned its magic systems, sacrificed good character development with rushed storytelling and deus ex-machinas at the end of every season, lacked a central villain for the heroes to fight, and plagued by fan ships, just to name a few of its issues. As a result, I’d like to rewrite TLOK from the ground up. It’s main focus would take place in Republic City, the setting of season 1, as the heroes would focus on the rebellion growing inside it (which would remain as the ONLY threat that spread across the world of the show). Relationships between characters would grow over time and try test each other as their feelings are conflicted, following the cliches of teenage dramas that the show originally went for (only not as obnoxious and annoying as what the show actually did).

  2. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight - For a show whose source material is supposed to be the older sibling to Power Ranger’s, I get the feeling there is a lot ‘Kamen Rider Dragon Knight’ now that I look back on it. I have grown a soft spot for the show and will praise it for its technical prowess and choreography. I mean, you get to see twelve armored warriors - Kamen Riders - fighting each other while being manipulated by an evil warlord trying to enslave humanity as he did with the dimension where the Kamen Rider come from. As interesting as the premise is and as well done the show could be (it won an Emmy - just to put that out there), its story and execution does suffer with some flaws. It followed more of a series style (with one episode leading into the other), separating itself from Power Rangers. However, I feel that the show should’ve been a bit more episodic to let viewers digest what is going on yet be more intertwined to bind the whole story together (like how Gargoyles was at one point).

  3. RWBY - Okay, this is tricky. The original creator, Monty Oum, died about five years ago, so the show hasn’t really been the same since then. While the show was far from perfect, I was attracted by its art design and fight choreography when its first trailer was released in 2012-ish. I was with the show when it first aired on 2013, but I ended up giving up during the show’s 6th season (which happened last year I think). Quite a few fans dropped RWBY for a plethora of reasons: its inconsistent magic system, not good storytelling that got worse, firing an actor who was accused of sexual harrassment even though I believe there wasn’t any hard evidence to condemn the man (and I got out before that happen, so MAN did I dodge a bullet there!), sudden additions to the lore without clarifying and improving upon what came before, etc. There’s already a guy on YouTube called Switchback who is making his own reboot, called RWBY: Cherish. For me, I’d try to do a lot in my rewrite with what Switchback is doing for his - only I’d mix in my love for martial art films (Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, etc.) into the choreography to replace the high-octane action RWBY’s early seasons is well known for. Plus, I’d try to smooth out a lot of details regarding the world and story (how does its magic system work, racism and prejudice in the world, what is its defined lore, etc.).