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Post #54482

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Date created
8-Jul-2004, 6:28 PM

Originally posted by: ricarleite
Trekkies was great, even for myself, who knows almost nothing about Star Trek and dislike it very much.

C'mon, independent filmmakers out here, make a movie about Star Wars fans and their declared hate over George Lucas new creations! You've got the title already: "Bowling for Coruscant"! All you gotta do is get some interviews, and with some luck, maybe interview Lucas himself!

Scene sugestion: after being fed up with the interview, George Lucas leaves. A Michael Moore look-alike then shows a picture of a mid-20s nerd with big glasses, lousy hair cut, and a lightsaber in his hand.

"Mr. Lucas, come back. Look. This is one of the fans you're letting down. Look at the picture, mr. Lucas."

Then he leaves the picture at his front door and leaves.

The parallels between the gun control issue in America and the continued altering of the OT are startling, aren't they?