Well after my take on the extended cut of the Hateful 8 available on the organ, I decided to get the web download of Tarantino’s new Once Upon a Time in Hollywood plus the separate special features/extra’s that are available to buy and try and duplicate a form of Roadshow/Extended Cut.
This is not a straight forward duplicate of the standard theatrical cut, as in the standard cut is 2hrs 41mins and this version is 3hrs 7mins around 26mins longer
How did I achieve this fan edit, well I inserted all the available deleted scenes back into the movie as well as inserting a Overture, an Intermission and 2 of the 60’s made tv commercials that Tarantino made but didn’t make the final cut.
The run of the movie is an overture followed by a Red Apple advertisement before the movie kicks in, the overture title card I created and tried to make it look basic and bright for the setting of the Hollywood Hills movie.
I inserted music from Death Proof in the title card, Death Proof I hear you say but yes this is the music by Keith Mansfield, Funky Fanfare that fit’s the late 60’s groove of the movie.
I added some film grain here and some reel change blip followed by the advertisement, this then has a feature presentation logo that is aged, the 1 from Kill Bill fitted this very nice.
We then roll into the movie with an added Cinerama title card added.
Our first deleted scene is an extended play on an episode of Bounty Law played in when being discussed between Rick Dalton and Marvin Schwarz in the restaurant.
This is quickly followed by an extended version of Rick singing Green door at Hullabuloo, I had to insert Marvin’s voice over into the extend scene as this was not present as in the theatrical version.
We continue until we insert the next deleted scene of the Stacey Brothers on the cowboy set.
This is followed by a new scene of Charlie paying house calls whilst Cliff is on the roof.
To insert an intermission break half way through the movie I had to rearrange a few scenes so the cowboy set section is split but the Sharon Tate Movie Theatre visit plays together.
The split of the cowboy set section is done by inserting Tarantino saying action/cut etc in the background to keep focus this is a movie in a movie and ends with Cliff Booth driving on the Motorway rocking out to Los Bravos “Bring a little Lovin” I extended this by redoing all the sound in the section, background noise, cars, wind the music everything so the music would keep playing into the tile card of the Intermission and play the full song.
The intermission was extended a little longer by a radio channel change sound effect followed by an instrumental version of Treat Her Right and not the singing version that plays in the movie so it offered a slight difference.
After the intermission we have a new commercial from the deleted scenes, followed by a cinema reel countdown before continuation on the cowboy set again with Tarantino yelling action added in to make up splitting the scene, new scene new take.
We then have another deleted scene with Rick Dalton and the director Sam Wanamaker talking and giving Rick inspiration, this is mentioned a little later in the theatrical version.
The film then continues but again I had to split and rearrange a few scenes as the insertion of the deleted scene above didn’t fit unless I changed split the visit to the farm with Cliff and Pussy.
After this change the film runs through to the end.
The edit is finished and will be on everyone favourite organ shortly.