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Post #1307124

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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
23-Nov-2019, 2:57 PM

Personally, changing the hair color is neither offending or deemed necessary of an edit, but merely just extra busy work. It’s somewhat similar to say, what if we changed Jar Jar’s eye color? Does it really improve the experience? Maybe a little. It’s different. However, fundamentally, the real issue is simply the story inclusion of such character. Not so much the looks and appearance that is the issue, but the way such character was handled in the film. In which case, whether it’s Jar Jar or Holdo, both instances would benefit the movie if their presence was entirely removed, reduced, or rewritten, the latter being more of a challenge, given the already little screen time Holdo has and yet inherently involved with the story progressing and character interactions.
of course, I understand it’s all personal taste and up to each fan editor to modify what they wish, it’s all harmless expression.
I believe there’s many discussion over how to have someone else sacrifice or control the ship to kamikaze. I had the ‘radical’ idea to have Kylo Ren cause the ship to crash into the Supremacy. As he uses his hand to twitch the lightsaber towards Snoke, a quick cut shows the Resistance ship turning at the same time. When Snoke says, “…KILLS HIS TRUE ENEMY!” his gasp reaction coincides with the hyperspace attack. This poses some issues, no doubt, as it would be difficult to transition into how Rey and Kylo interact later, but at least the throne room would had already have looked like it got damaged by the hyperspace jump attack, fire and embers all around. I just think it fits in line with Kylo wanting to start anew with the First Order, to scrub the past and forge something different under his banner, hence him being responsible for killing Snoke and taking out a huge chunk of First Order.