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Post #1306240

act on instinct
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Small details that took you FOREVER to notice in the Star Wars films
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Date created
18-Nov-2019, 3:30 PM

I can’t take credit for this as it technically wasn’t something I noticed, but did some digging today after listening to Lucas talk about experimental films he was interested in and he mentioned being a producer for the Godfrey Reggio film Powaqqatsi. From there I stumbled upon this article: http://outlawvern.com/2016/01/14/powaqqatsi/ which by the end mentions a connection I never would have made alone…

Phillip Glass - Serra Pelada
John Williams - Augie’s Great Municipal Band and End Credits

"…I’m not saying there is a rough cut of THE PHANTOM MENACE entirely set to Philip Glass temp music. Actually I am saying that. That is what I’m saying. Or at least maybe they were both influenced by music from the same culture."