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Ranking the Star Wars films — Page 168


I find my rankings shifting lately in the lead up to The Rise of Skywalker. At the moment I think I’d say …

Skywalker Saga:

A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back
The Phantom Menace
Revenge of the Sith
Return of the Jedi
Attack of the Clones
The Last Jedi
The Force Awakens


Rogue One

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


I guess I should pitch in on this:

1 - The Empire Strikes Back
2 - The Last Jedi

3 - The Force Awakens
4 - Star Wars
5 - Rogue One

6 - Solo

7 - Revenge of the Sith
8 - Return of the Jedi

9 - The Phantom Menace
10 - Attack of the Clones

11 - The Clone Wars

  1. The Empire Strikes Back — 8/10
  2. Star Wars — 8/10
  3. Rogue One — 6/10
  4. Return of the Jedi — 5/10
  5. The Force Awakens — 5/10
  6. The Phantom Menace — 4/10
  7. The Star Wars Holiday Special — 2/10
  8. Attack of the Clones — 2/10
  9. Revenge of the Sith — 2/10

It’s been much too long since I watched the Ewoks or Clone Wars movies, so I’m no longer comfortable rating them. I only watched the first 40-odd minutes of TLJ, and I don’t rate films I never finished. As for Solo, I never watched it, never will, and the same holds true for every future SW movie.


Had to add The Mandalorian:

1.Rogue One
2.The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
3.Star Wars (1977)
4.Return of the Jedi (1983)
5.The Last Jedi
6.The Force Awakens
9.Rebels (2014 - 2018 animated tv series)
10.Resistance (2018 animated tv series)

11.The Clone Wars (2008 - 2014 animated tv series)
12.Clone Wars (2003 - 2005 animated tv series)
13.Ewoks (1985 - 1986 animated tv series)
14.Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)
15.Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984 tv movie)
16.Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985 tv movie)

17.The Phantom Menace (1999)
18.Attack of the Clones (2002)
19.Revenge of the Sith (2005)

20.Droids (1985 - 1986 animated tv series)

21.The Clone Wars (2008 animated movie)


My listing goes like this:


  1. ESB
    2 (a). ANH
    2 (b). TCW series

3. TLJ
4. ROTJ (it really should have been two movies)
5 (a). TFA
5 (b). Rebels

Funny Bad
6. AOTC (it’s the Space Fantasy version of The Room)
7. Solo (Do you remember the opening from Last Crusade? Well, what if it was the whole movie!)
8. TPM

9. ROTS (it suffers greatly because of the first two prequels lollygagging)
10. R1 (it’s just so dull)


amazing: ANH/ESB
good: ROTJ/R1
decent: TFA
forgettable: Solo
awful: AOTC/TLJ

  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. A New Hope
  3. Revenge of the Sith
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. Rogue One
  6. The Clone Wars
  7. Attack of the Clones
  8. The Phantom Menace
  9. Rebels (childish/no violence)
  10. Solo (bland/mediocre)
  11. The Force Awakens (JJs Remake/Reboot)
  12. The Last Jedi (…)

Slight rework of my ranking:

The Real Saga:

  1. ANH
  2. TESB
  3. ROTJ
    3.5 CW microseries
  4. ROTS
    4.5 TCW tv series and Rebels S1/S2
  5. TPM
  6. AOTC

The other stuff I don’t really care about (unless TROS is good but I doubt it):
7. TLJ
8. R1
9. Solo
10. Mandales ou rien
11. Resistance
13. TFA

To sum up:

  1. OT and Genndy’s microseries
  2. PT and Dave Filoni’s animated tvseries
  3. ST and other Disney stuff that are called Star Wars for some reason that less and less occur to me

I don’t know how anyone could rank the Mandalorian after only one episode.


DominicCobb said:

I don’t know how anyone could rank the Mandalorian after only one episode.

Same, like I get a lot are excited (and dissatisfied), but it’s just one episode. Not only are there more episodes coming out, but some of those episodes will be directed by different directors which I’m sure will greatly impact how it unfolds; good or bad, to be determined.

The Rise of Failures


TavorX said:

DominicCobb said:

I don’t know how anyone could rank the Mandalorian after only one episode.

Same, like I get a lot are excited (and dissatisfied), but it’s just one episode. Not only are there more episodes coming out, but some of those episodes will be directed by different directors which I’m sure will greatly impact how it unfolds; good or bad, to be determined.

Not just that it’s the first episode of many more, but it is also merely the first ‘chapter’ of an 8 chapter story. We don’t know yet how it will unfold, and one’s opinion on the quality could change greatly once they see the full picture.


I always give a show a bare minimum of four episodes to prove its worth before rating it. Seems only fair.


While I do think it’s fair to say that you can’t completely judge a show’s season without seeing each episode, I also think it’s just about equally fair to judge it off of a few episodes. A story with some neat twist or whatever sometimes isn’t worth it if you find other aspects detracting like poorly written characters or basically unable to connect with them. By that point, it will feel like a wasted time investment.

The Rise of Failures


Yes, I added The Mandalorian after only one episode. I didn’t chisel it in stone. Just my impression after one episode. It could move up or down. Heck, as time goes on they all move up and down. Always in motion the future is.


Yeah, my list certainly doesn’t look like it did last year. And 5 years ago it probably would have looked a lot different, too.

Every year that goes by informs the way I appreciate movies, and that appreciation shifts and changes with the number of stories I consume. Lists like these are fun not only because you get a sense of what people like and what they value over other aspects, but because they DO change as experiences accumulate.

I swore up and down all through my teens and early 20s that Superman II was a better made, more interesting, more involving, more MOVIE movie than Superman: The Movie. Much older me understands why I thought that, but definitely disagrees. Same with Aliens and Alien.


Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Clone Wars series
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
Revenge of the Sith
The Last Jedi
Attack of the Clones
Phantom Menace


5 stars

The Empire Strikes Back
The Last Jedi

4 Stars

A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Rogue One

3 Stars

The Force Awakens
Revenge of the Sith

2 Stars

Holiday Special
Phantom Menace

1 Star

Attack of the Clones
Clone Wars Pilot Film


Another minor update for me:

GREAT: Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back
GOOD: The Force Awakens, Solo
FINE: Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Revenge of the Sith
BAD: Attack of the Clones (too messy), Rogue One (too hollow), The Last Jedi (too slow)

My rankings may change again after I have time to see and digest The Rise of Skywalker.



My combined Films/Video Games 2019 Rankings:


  1. Star Wars
  2. KOTOR 2 (game)
  3. TIE Fighter (game)
  4. X-Wing (game)
  5. Empire Strikes Back
  6. KOTOR 1 (game)
  7. Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight (game)

Very Good

  1. Return of the Jedi
  2. X-wing Alliance (game)


  1. The Clone Wars (TV Series)
  2. Jedi Power Battles (game)

5. The Force Awakens - I want to say good, but in the end I have to punish it for being a soft reboot
6. Solo
7. ROTS - just barly made it up from “poor”
8. X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter (game)


  1. Starfighter (game)

Bad…like really Bad

  1. TPM
  2. AOTC.
  3. Masters of Teras Kasi (game)

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord