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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Extended Edition (Released) — Page 2


Nihilus137 said:

It’s been a little more than half a year lol, how do I get the link to download? I’m dying to see it with the deleted scenes.

Have you PM’d the creator?


DominicCobb said:

Octorox said:

MalàStrana said:

thebluefrog said:


The unfinished “Amendments to the constitution / Palpatine’s Machinations” scene is actually usable now that these guys showed how it could be edited.

Maybe even darkening the shadows would help.

Oh brillant scene it is ! Does it exist in better quality that could match the other deleted sequences (it’s from the bluray set, so might be ?) ? If so I would love to see it integrated in an extended cut 😃

I like that scene as well. The quality is okay. The main thing that keeps me from using it is that the masking of actors in front of the Coruscant skyline is really atrocious. I did include a scene in my Episode II edit with some poor masking but this is even worse imo.

I feel like you could probably find away to cut around the offending aspects. What you’d need though is the scene to be upscaled like the DVD ones.

So Dom actually did it for his cut 😉


Does anyone has a download link to this extended version ? I really want to watch


MalàStrana said:

DominicCobb said:

Octorox said:

MalàStrana said:

thebluefrog said:


The unfinished “Amendments to the constitution / Palpatine’s Machinations” scene is actually usable now that these guys showed how it could be edited.

Maybe even darkening the shadows would help.

Oh brillant scene it is ! Does it exist in better quality that could match the other deleted sequences (it’s from the bluray set, so might be ?) ? If so I would love to see it integrated in an extended cut 😃

I like that scene as well. The quality is okay. The main thing that keeps me from using it is that the masking of actors in front of the Coruscant skyline is really atrocious. I did include a scene in my Episode II edit with some poor masking but this is even worse imo.

I feel like you could probably find away to cut around the offending aspects. What you’d need though is the scene to be upscaled like the DVD ones.

So Dom actually did it for his cut 😉

Ha, you’re right. It was something on my mind for awhile. What I realized was that it wasn’t just poor masking in some of the shots that was a problem, it was actually that the background was actually a different image in the deleted scene vs the theatrical. My solution was basically to use none of the deleted footage (save for Anakin’s mouth), only the audio.

The other thing with that scene is you run the risk of redundant dialogue (Palpatine says a few of the same lines in a later scene). So you have to cut around to make it work.


darthrush said:

Octorox said:

MalàStrana said:

Octorox said:
-A Plot to Destroy the Jedi?

I agree there is a repetitive aspect to this scene with the “situation room during Grievous meeting with Obi” scene, but there is also a more layered concern about Palpatine. This scene, placed after the - long - overture was very good to set the mood of an uprising coup d’état from Palpatine. I think you should have inserted it (but I assume you’ll do that for your “real” edit of Episode III).

Yeah, I like this scene too, but I felt that with the war room scene unedited, it didn’t really work, and since this is supposed to be purely an extended edition, I didn’t want to do that. It will probably be in my full fan edit of episode III.

I’m hoping in your fanedit you pick to keep either the deleted scene (Plot to Destroy the Jedi) or the war room theatrical scene. Either one or the other because in L8wtrs he keeps both and the repetitive dialogue is so obvious that I feel it really detracts from the experience whereas in Hal’s he inserted the deleted scene and removed the war room scene which did not have any issues of repetitive dialogue and it improved upon the theatrical. Not saying if you should include the deleted scene over the war room scene but I think it would be best to decide on which one to keep rather than doing both.

Sorry for being off topic from the thread but wanted to throw in my 2 cents 😃

Late reply, but working on my ROTS edit, I’ve decided to use both scenes (for a lot of reasons), and I’ve managed to cut it down to the point where there is only one repeated line (“the dark side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor”), which I’ve justified to myself as the first time Mace is saying his thoughts only to Yoda and Obi-wan, the second time he’s revealing it to the council. I think it works, but honestly not 100%. I think I’ll need to watch my edit all the way through to determine.


This sounds like an interesting take ! When Hal announced his PT v5 I regret I didn’t try to convince (I probably would have failed 😃) him to add the first part of the “Jedi war room” scene, just because it looks cool (I believe “the new canon cut” kept it that way). But here I’m not sure about the repetitive line kept, as you mention it only a full watch of your edit could give the right hindsight about your choice.


I prefer (obviously) to remove that scene. Rather than Windu ordering Anakin to gauge Palpatine’s reaction to the news and report back, Anakin simply does so on his own. Makes it a tiny bit stronger for him to let Windu know what he discovers. Plus, there is value (at least in my arrangement) in using the deleted scene between Windu, Yoda, and Kenobi (so that Obi-Wan is in on it and can interact with Anakin in that capacity during the climax), so it’s simpler to remove the whole war room scene.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Man, I’m the one being convinced again 😄… and it also is consistent with your change made in Episode II to make Anakin visit Palpatine on his own… so no regret for not having mentionned it for III-LoE-v5 ! (and it also decreases a little bit the huge amount of tiny - 30 to 60s during time - scenes in Episode III)

(I nevertheless stand my point about the fact the shot looks cool)


If I can explain why I left the scene in for New Canon Cut - that edit’s main goals were to age Anakin up and portray him as an experienced and trusted Jedi general. Leaving in that scene was a decision made towards a more subliminal end rather than plot or pacing end. Seeing him alongside Windu and the other masters just further suggests that he has rank among them. Don’t forget I also cut Anakin saying “yes, master” in response to his orders, so Anakin just coldly looks at Windu before walking off, openly demonstrating that he disapproves. The subsequent scene with Anakin and Palpatine is also then edited to make Anakin the one to take the reigns in the conversation. So even if he doesn’t go to the Chancellor on his own accord, Anakin is still proactive and assertive in guiding his fate. (shameless plug: new version on gdrive hmu for link)

I don’t think it’s something LoE needs though, to be honest.

If you were to use both scenes like I did, I just cut out “I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi” in the first, earlier deleted OB1/MW/Y scene, and then cut after that point in the war room scene. “The dark side of the force surrounds the chancellor” is vague enough for early on in the film, but once all the gears have been working in Palpatine’s favor at this halfway point, I think the more solid “plot to destroy the Jedi” being recognized is fine. It’s almost too late by this point anyway.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I had it like Hal for the longest time, but ultimately I’m leaning more towards keeping the war room scene intact. Basically because I want everything Palpatine and Anakin to say about the Jedi to be true - from a certain point of view of course - and in this scene (and not in the earlier one) they talk about taking control of the Senate. This, coupled with removing Mace’s line about “the Senate will decide your fate,” seems to cement that the Jedi are legitimately staging a coup of sorts.

The unfortunate thing is the deleted scene is the only one where they explicitly state that removing means arresting. Obviously you still get the scene where Mace tells Palpatine he’s under arrest, but this is after he’s already found out that Palps is a Sith lord.

I really wish it was possible to keep both scenes intact, but it’s just hard to ignore the repeated dialogue. As is I have the deleted scene ending after Obi-wan says the proof will come when Grievous is gone. I’m on the verge of just cutting the scene altogether, but I like that it sets up more solidly that the Jedi are suspicious of Palpatine and that shit will get real in some way when Grievous is dead. Who knows though if that’s really enough to justify such a short scene though. Tricky.


That’s the most fascinating thing about Episode III: if Episode I and II fanedits tend to all go into the same direction with only slight differences that don’t fundamentally change the movies (Gungan city or not / droid factory or not / etc.), Episode III can really be quite different from one edit to the other, not even counting the theatrical cut and the unofficial extended version.


TPM and AOTC are much more straightforward narratives with a lot less going on. ROTS has a whole section of the movie devoted to what’s basically various simultaneous chess matches going on on Coruscant. Most of these scenes in this section have little direct connective tissue to other scenes, which makes them really easy to move around. AOTC is also this in the middle, but obviously to a lesser extent. Moving stuff in ROTS can significantly change the meaning of scenes through context, whereas only the love plot in AOTC is really affected in meaning by restructuring.

Very interesting to think about them all from a more general fan editing perspective. It’s kind of funny to think that TPM is probably the most fan edited movie ever, because I think it’s the least improvable of the three.


Is it still possible to find this online? I tried DM’ing Octorox, but I figured I’d widen my search by posting publicly. It doesn’t turn up on any other website that I know of. Thanks!


Can I get the link for this? I would love to watch it


Surprise! I made a V2 of this. It’s uploading as we speak and will be available via DM or on MySpleen. I will try to be better about responding to DMs in a timely manner.

Here are the changes from V1:
-The deleted scene in Bail’s Office is moved up by one scene and features new “sunset” color correction to better blend with the surrounding scenes (courtesy of Hal9000)
-The deleted scene in Palpatine’s Office is moved until after Obi-Wan touches down on Utapau, allowing for a less jarring transition.
-There is only a single audio track in this version. Yoda’s communion with Qui-Gon is included but I kept the original Vader scream since this is an Extended Edition and not a fanfix.
-Yoda’s exile to Dagobah is moved up by one scene, before Padme’s funeral. This allows for the original ending and it’s music to play out uninterrupted. (transition courtesy of Siliconmaster482)


Thanks, I liked the previous extended edition 😉 What video source have you used ? I’m asking because I remember v1 had a picture with many compression artifacts.

edit: nevermind, i’ve just checked v1 and the video quality is very good.


I need to learn how to edit so I can put as many of the finished scenes (repetitive or not) in one cut.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


It has just come to my attention that V2 has a significant sync issue. I’m going to pull it for now and will upload a new version when it’s fixed. Thanks for your patience everyone.


Are you going to implement the new sequence idea you had for your fanedit ?


Is there any way that you could make a Version without the Qui-Gon audio from the Clone Wars? Without it, your extended edition would be the definitive way for me to watch Episode III.


FYI a fixed version has been uploaded and is available the usual way.

MaggiPower said:

Is there any way that you could make a Version without the Qui-Gon audio from the Clone Wars? Without it, your extended edition would be the definitive way for me to watch Episode III.

Hm, I mainly went with one audio track just to simplify things but if I end up doing another release I’ll consider having an option without the Clone Wars audio.

MalàStrana said:

Are you going to implement the new sequence idea you had for your fanedit ?

I wasn’t going to because technically that version cuts bits of footage out of the film (mainly Anakin looking at the datapad and Padme’s line “he came by this morning”) and therefore isn’t a pure extension. If there’s enough of a push for it I’d consider it though.


No you’re right, keep the idea for your own fanedit 😉


I was wondering if you would consider doing an extended but no cringe dialogue version


I remember at one time you had a Extended Edition with alternate ending if im not mistaken. Is it possible that a V2 with the extended alternate ending will get a release???

All my life as I looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never in my mind did I know where I was, what I was doing.