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Post #1302695

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The Original Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
29-Oct-2019, 6:41 AM

I posted this on a PT/OT topic, but I think it also makes sense here, in light of the ROTJ discussions:

Adding color to the Emperor’s shuttle solves the problem of shuttle reuse.
And of course it connects with the red guards.
alt text

I’m experimenting with scene order on ROTJ’s opening and having Luke on Dagobah really works. He needs to become a Jedi master before all that Jaba stuff.

» After Vader arrives, we have the deleted scene of mediation and searching for Luke. We cut to Luke in Dagobah. Like in TESB, Vader can’t sense him there.
» Yoda dies and we cut to the Emperor’s arrival, then back to Obi-wan force ghost. So we have Luke and his “masters”, and Vader and his master.
» Deleted scene where Vader goes to see the Emperor and is prevented by the red guards. Here I must find a way to make clear that Vader is searching for Luke and can’t find him 😉

All this work reasonably well and solves all the exposition in about 15 minutes 😉