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Info Wanted: List of most current preservation versions (Despecialized, 4k77, 4k83)


Hello, all.

First off, this community rules. Thank you so much for existing and loving the original trilogy as much as we all do.

I’m having trouble finding info on the complete version history of Harmy’s and 4K projects. If anybody has a link or knowledge of this, I’d love your input.

I’m also unable to find most of the versions on binsearch as per the instructions at 4k77’s page (http://www.thestarwarstrilogy.com/starwars/page/Project-4K77).

I’ve downloaded some versions through usenet, so I know how that works, but for example there’s no trace of a 4k77 2160 v1.4 DNR, which I was fairly sure existed. (EDIT: first commenter said it does not exist)

I do have a version of 4k77, and 4k83, and all 3 Harmy’s so I’m happy but if there are more current versions I’d like to see them if they’re out there.

Any help?



Don’t have time at the moment to go through a full rundown, but I can tell you for 100% certain that there is no 4K77 1.4 DNR in either 1080p or 2160p. There’s only one version of the 4K77 with DNR at the moment, unless you count the Blu-Ray ISO as a separate version since it has an updated scan of the opening crawl.


ChainsawAsh said:

Don’t have time at the moment to go through a full rundown, but I can tell you for 100% certain that there is no 4K77 1.4 DNR in either 1080p or 2160p. There’s only one version of the 4K77 with DNR at the moment, unless you count the Blu-Ray ISO as a separate version since it has an updated scan of the opening crawl.

Whoops, I had it wrong, then. Thanks for letting me know that. If you do get time and want to set everything straight that would be awesome.


I can at least give you the most current versions of each:


  • SW v2.7
  • ESB v2.0
  • ROTJ v2.5

4K77 - v1.4 no DNR color grade by Sanjuro; v1.0 DNR color grade by williarob

  • No DNR: v1.4 (1080p and 2160p MKVs)
  • DNR: v1.0 (1080p and 2160p MKVs)
  • DNR: v1.0 1080p Blu-Ray (same as 1080p v1.0 MKV, but with an updated scan of the opening crawl, which is also included in both no DNR v1.4 MKV releases)

4K83 - all listed below use Sanjuro’s color grade, though usually with minor adjustments by either ohteedee (no/minimal DNR) or SkyDude (medium/heavy/max DNR)

  • No DNR: v1.1 (1080p and 2160p MKVs)
  • Minimal DNR: v1.3 (1080p and 2160p MKVs) (this is effectively “no DNR” in that it targets just the chroma noise introduced during scanning, but it’s impossible to guarantee no film grain is affected, so it isn’t labeled as “no DNR”)
  • Medium DNR: v1.1 (2160p MKV and 1080p Blu-Ray)
  • Heavy DNR: v1.2 (1080p MKV and 1080p Blu-Ray)
  • Maximum DNR: v1.2.2 (2160p MKV)

I don’t know how many of the 4K83 DNR variants have made it out into the wild other than MySpleen. DNR work on the medium/heavy/max DNR releases by SkyDude, minimal DNR by ohteedee.

There’s also v1.0 releases for 4K77 no DNR (reel by reel color balance, old 1080p crawl scan, available as 1080p and 2160p MKVs) and 4K83 (overall color grade by ohteedee, 1080p and 2160p MKVs and a v1.0 Blu-Ray with some DNR by ohteedee and a contrast adjustment compared to the MKVs), but the v1.0s of both are largely considered obsolete once Sanjuro’s color grade was utilized for later versions.

4K77 v1.1-1.3 were release candidates that all had technical problems and weren’t widely released.

If I missed anything, someone please chime in to correct me!


Thanks, ChainsawAsh. Looks like the only one I’d like that I’m missing is either Maximum DNR: v1.2.2 (2160p MKV) or Medium DNR: v1.1 (2160p MKV). I checked out MySpleen, is that something that’s only open to people who signed up before a certain date?


Pretty much. MySpleen invites have been closed for several years with no indication that they’ll open up registration again.


I understand the history this place has with myspleen, and the ease of use for people who have been here for years, but it’s long since past time for people to stop releasing things there. It’s a hindrance and an annoyance more than anything.

I also think the general sense of paranoia about links and such should be dialed back, too. It’s beyond obvious, after about 20-plus years, that Lucasfilm is never going to come after this place, or Harmy, or Adywan, or Hal, or anyone else who has gotten any sort of notice for messing with Star Wars. So long as you’re not trying to make money off any of these projects, fan-restorations and fan-edits are too limited in scope and audience to pose any sort of legitimate threat to any revenue stream.


Broom Kid said:

I understand the history this place has with myspleen, and the ease of use for people who have been here for years, but it’s long since past time for people to stop releasing things there. It’s a hindrance and an annoyance more than anything.

MySpleen isn’t the only place things are uploaded. It’s usually just an initial release and it’s mentioned so the people who do have accounts can just easily go check there. Everyone who doesn’t can simply send a private message to the project creator and be directed to an alternate platform where the project can be found.

Specifically in the cases of 4K77/83, those projects have their own forum where all the releases can be found pretty easily, including the more niche ones like the heavy/maximum DNR 4K83 releases.

I also think the general sense of paranoia about links and such should be dialed back, too. It’s beyond obvious, after about 20-plus years, that Lucasfilm is never going to come after this place, or Harmy, or Adywan, or Hal, or anyone else who has gotten any sort of notice for messing with Star Wars. So long as you’re not trying to make money off any of these projects, fan-restorations and fan-edits are too limited in scope and audience to pose any sort of legitimate threat to any revenue stream.

Not a risk the admins are willing to take. Open links will likely never be allowed here and for very good reason. It’s pretty easy to just private message the creator of a project, and at least two of the people you specifically mentioned do share links to their projects out in the open on other platforms like Reddit and Facebook. Just not here.


It’s literally not a risk. There’s no risk.

Everyone knows we’re here and what we’re doing here. It’s not secret and nobody’s gotten fooled. If we were all going to be sued into oblivion it would have happened by now. We’re not important enough to go after, and likely never will be. We’re the only people that care and there’s not enough of us to pose any financial threat.

Which makes it extra weird to see a release get announced and watch the rain of PM requests and questions, 15+ years after the place was any sort of viable destination, as to what and how MySpleen works. I don’t know why pointing out that two of the most successful editors have decided on their own that these weird traditions are worth abandoning is supposed to make me rethink my initial post. It seems to be more a point in my favor, if anything.

Anyway, just a thought that I’d had for a while that sprang to mind after seeing that one post. Sorry for any rankles or wrinkles.


Actually Harmy hasn’t ever released anything on MySpleen (he typically uses uloz, which is like MySpleen except way more inconvenient!), but other people put it there anyway.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Broom Kid said:

It’s literally not a risk. There’s no risk.

Everyone knows we’re here and what we’re doing here. It’s not secret and nobody’s gotten fooled. If we were all going to be sued into oblivion it would have happened by now. We’re not important enough to go after, and likely never will be. We’re the only people that care and there’s not enough of us to pose any financial threat.

Okay. Cool. Go convince Silverwook, Anchorhead, and oojason that there is a 100% guarantee of zero risk.



Again, I apologize for any rankling or wrinkling. I’m not gonna go overtime to convince anyone of what’s pretty clearly obvious. If people are nervous because what’s happening here is technically illegal, I get it. But I’m also pretty sure none of the methods being used to “protect” anyone is actually protecting anything. If it gives the people here peace of mind to believe the people in charge at Lucasfilm/Fox/Disney don’t know exactly what’s going on and haven’t been lurking this place for the past 20 years, then it’s not my place to try and disrupt it. I apologize for speaking out of turn earlier, and it won’t happen again.


Other similar websites have been closed down for having links on them, and the various rightsholders and authorities are likely watching this place and others ready to shut these sites down if they go too far.

I think you may not be using the word “literally” correctly there. Also “there’s no risk” - the whole site would indeed be at risk. I apologize if that appears harsh.

I mean, are there other public sites like this one out there that have links to thousands of projects out in the open?

Though I will defer to the mods, other people who run the place, and those who have contributed to the site for many years such as Chainsaw and CatBus.

If other renowned editors put links up on their sites or facebook that is the risk they take on there. I am very happy that no links are allowed on here. We want this place, this creative community, this library of information to be around for a long long time to come, not taken down due to people wanting it easy and wanting links everywhere, I think?

50 Cent is just an imposter


Sorry Broom Kid, I am not sure how you came to arrive at such conclusions. It doesn’t seem ‘clearly obvious’ or ‘paranoia’.

About myspleen, it seems a good centralized place to upload projects - that will later filter down through people here helping each other out.

A shame there hasn’t been open invitations for a couple of years, but given the supposed amount of ‘hit and runners’ who did not contribute to their community there, it is not a surprise.

Tighten Up and then turn it all the way up to 11!


I have the initial mkv releases of 4K77 and 4K83 (no DNR). What would be the best way to get the no DNR color graded versions by Sanjuro? Would contacting Sanjuro work?

Thank goodness my Despecialized versions are up to date. Took forever to get those.

Edit: Contacting Sanjuro worked. Thanks so much!

Sleepily watching movies until the end of time.


ChainsawAsh said:

I can at least give you the most current versions of each:

4K83 - all listed below use Sanjuro’s color grade, though usually with minor adjustments by either ohteedee (no/minimal DNR) or SkyDude (medium/heavy/max DNR)

  • No DNR: v1.1 (1080p and 2160p MKVs)
  • Minimal DNR: v1.3 (1080p and 2160p MKVs) (this is effectively “no DNR” in that it targets just the chroma noise introduced during scanning, but it’s impossible to guarantee no film grain is affected, so it isn’t labeled as “no DNR”)
  • Medium DNR: v1.1 (2160p MKV and 1080p Blu-Ray)
  • Heavy DNR: v1.2 (1080p MKV and 1080p Blu-Ray)
  • Maximum DNR: v1.2.2 (2160p MKV)

I don’t know how many of the 4K83 DNR variants have made it out into the wild other than MySpleen. DNR work on the medium/heavy/max DNR releases by SkyDude, minimal DNR by ohteedee.

If I missed anything, someone please chime in to correct me!

Were there any color changes with 4k83 v1.3? I seem to recall that the color grading was refined from v1.1 noDNR, but I could just be imagining things.

“Remember, the Force will be with you… always.”


RuleStickler said:

ChainsawAsh said:

I can at least give you the most current versions of each:

4K83 - all listed below use Sanjuro’s color grade, though usually with minor adjustments by either ohteedee (no/minimal DNR) or SkyDude (medium/heavy/max DNR)

  • No DNR: v1.1 (1080p and 2160p MKVs)
  • Minimal DNR: v1.3 (1080p and 2160p MKVs) (this is effectively “no DNR” in that it targets just the chroma noise introduced during scanning, but it’s impossible to guarantee no film grain is affected, so it isn’t labeled as “no DNR”)
  • Medium DNR: v1.1 (2160p MKV and 1080p Blu-Ray)
  • Heavy DNR: v1.2 (1080p MKV and 1080p Blu-Ray)
  • Maximum DNR: v1.2.2 (2160p MKV)

I don’t know how many of the 4K83 DNR variants have made it out into the wild other than MySpleen. DNR work on the medium/heavy/max DNR releases by SkyDude, minimal DNR by ohteedee.

If I missed anything, someone please chime in to correct me!

Were there any color changes with 4k83 v1.3? I seem to recall that the color grading was refined from v1.1 noDNR, but I could just be imagining things.

Some colour tweaks were made for v1.3. It’s similar to v1.1 but I fixed a bunch of shots that didn’t look right to me. I think I brightened it up a bit too.


oohteedee said:

Some colour tweaks were made for v1.3. It’s similar to v1.1 but I fixed a bunch of shots that didn’t look right to me. I think I brightened it up a bit too.

OK, thanks. I was trying to figure out if any improvements were made before I downloaded CatBus’s v1.1 GOUT-synced version, but I’ll stick with v1.3.

“Remember, the Force will be with you… always.”