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Post #1297497

Darth Hade
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Rian Johnson to Head New Star Wars Trilogy
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Date created
20-Sep-2019, 3:41 AM

Johnson’s trilogy will never happen. Disney is not that stupid.

This guy has completely polarized the fanbase like no other.

It’s worse than the backlash against the PT and Abrams hiring combined.

Movies are done for the time being after TROS.

They have high hopes for The Mandalorian and the Obi-Wan series. They are less sure about the Cassian series.

And they know fans want more Clone Wars.

As far as Star Wars being bigger than ever, well, that is b.s.

Solo was a colossal flop mostly due to TLJ backlash.
Toy and EU merchandise money is way down.
Galaxy’s Edge is not going as well as they initially hoped.
And they are worried about TROS. They feel like they have lost a sizable chunk of the fanbase forever.

Trust me. I am in this world and I own a ton of Disney stock. I specialize in currency arbitrage, but I know the common stock and commodities markets just as well. In fact, Disney is under suspicion for lying about their profits.

If anything, they will go with those Game of Thrones guys for any future movies. At some point, we will wake up to find that Disney and Johnson have parted company.