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Post #1294427

act on instinct
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The Rise of Skywalker box office results: predictions and expectations
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Date created
28-Aug-2019, 3:54 PM

Sides being judged by their strawmen has to stop, for the most part everyone has been pretty even keel sharing their perspectives, I think the state of heated conjecture comes from a real place and I wouldn’t dismiss it by pointing to the most extreme ends that neither even believe in (IX will flop/ST hasn’t polarized some fans).

This stuff is like predicting the weather, we’re all pouring over our information, we’ll all have a slightly different idea of what it means for the future, none of us will know (always in motion is the future) what the true results will be until we see it. I’d add if this were a board room meeting of executives and market research consultants nobody would be calling heresy when a member raised concerns.

Anyway back to the numbers, I want numbers! I haven’t seen them since page 3. Going for opening weekend here,
based on TFA ($247mil) and TLJ’s ($220) openings I want to say TRoS will find itself right between them at around $235 million.