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Help Wanted: with my The Last Jedi Fan Edit


Hello everyone,

I’m in the final stages of a fan edit of The Last Jedi.

TD;LR: I have a fan edit of The Last Jedi that makes changes no other edit has made before, but I need help addressing audio interference/popping, and I need help from anyone who possesses The Last Jedi - Deleted Scenes in 23.98fps.

Like many other fan editors, I’ve made some standard changes such as:

-Luke gives back the lightsaber to Rey
-Mama jokes are excised
-Cringey/derivative lines are cut
-Holdo’s hair is brown instead of purple
-Leia and Ackbar survive the blast and Ackbar makes the final sacrifice instead of Holdo
-Luke’s lightsaber is green with a Return of the Jedi handle
-Luke’s voiceover does not have him wanting to kill Ben, but save him instead
-Canto Bight is greatly shortened
-Rose does not save Finn
-Scenes of Holdo being unnecessarily aggressive are cut
-There is no broom boy at the end
-Yoda does not show up until just before the battle of Crate, so that Luke is forced to make a decision for good
-Ach-To is color corrected to be less drab
-Etc, etc, etc

My changes that I’ve made which I have not seen other editors make are:

-Finn completes more of a character arc: he is shown being given a jacket by Poe who tells him that he’s “Where he belongs”. Also, after escaping Snoke’s ship, Rose asks, “So, where are we going?” To which he responds, “Where we belong.”

-On Ach-To, immediately prior to Luke reconnecting with the Force and making the zen water pool vibrate, Luke hears the voice of Obi-Wan (Alec Guiness), then the voice of Anakin Skywalker (Sebastian Shaw), and finally the voice of Princess Lei in-coma, calling out to him.

-When Rey falls into the dark side cave, her scream is blended with the scream of herself as a little girl; as she surfaces from the water she hears the voice of Anakin Skywalker (Sebastian Shaw) whisper, “You were right”, and when she sees two shadowy figures (supposedly her parents) blend together in her reflection, a very soft, almost indiscernible, voice of young Rey, cries out: “Come Back”.

-Scenes are rearranged near the end of the movie, so that Luke lifts the rocks blocking the salt tunnels, instead of Rey (this gives her the ability to learn from the Jedi Texts and not be a Mary Sue)

-Instead of the theatrical version of the movie, in which Luke passed away immediately after lifting the rocks, followed by a scene-cut to Kylo Ren raiding the emptied salt tunnels…Luke RATHER lifts the rocks, Kylo Ren raids the salt tunnels, and finally Luke passes away, but not before hearing the dramatic, echoing voice of Alec Guiness calling out, “Luke…Let go, Luke. Let go.” This is the last scene before Leia and Rey discuss the hope for the future

Anyways, I really think I have a great edit for the Star Wars community, from the editing, to the voice actors, to the color-correction.

BUT-- I need help. I cannot find the deleted scenes from The Last Jedi in any format but 29 frames per second. Can anyone help me out?

Also, there is audio popping and interference throughout the video-- can anyone help me with these pops? I knew of a program from 2009 that did such a thing, but it appears to be continued.

I’m sorry for the long post, but get at me people…and may the force be with you.


Izotope’s RX Audio Editor (I’ve used RX5 myself) is pretty good at doing stuff with audio and probs what your looking for.


Thanks brother; I will check it out. You know of anyone who can help me out with 23.98 frames per second deleted scenes footage? I’m like, one sound-render and a 30-second scene away from releasing a fan edit that I really think will bring a lot of joy.

Let me know, people!



I’m a big fan of your work! While I’m a little in shock that someone of your skill/influence commented on such a small issue, I will take your advice to heart.

I own a Blu-Ray of The Last Jedi and whenever I rip it there is heavy cross-hatching (probably the wrong word) and pixellation. I will try to figure this out. Perhaps it’s a sign that things are just not yet…perfected…anyways.

Thanks so much for commenting! It was, if nothing else, extremely encouraging!


I can’t help you with the deleted scenes, but I just wanted to say that I’m excited to watch your fanedit when it releases! It sounds like a very good edit.


I’m looking forward to the changes to Holdos hair. The purple hair really bugged me. Also, great idea with Luke lifting the rocks. The scene of Rey lifting the rocks like superman with no training also bugged me. I hope you get the deleted scene issues sorted out.


Try ripping the official bluray with MakeMKV then convert to mt2s with TSMuxer for import into Premiere or whatever. That has never not worked for me.


FanEditor77 said:


I’m a big fan of your work! While I’m a little in shock that someone of your skill/influence commented on such a small issue, I will take your advice to heart.

I own a Blu-Ray of The Last Jedi and whenever I rip it there is heavy cross-hatching (probably the wrong word) and pixellation. I will try to figure this out. Perhaps it’s a sign that things are just not yet…perfected…anyways.

Thanks so much for commenting! It was, if nothing else, extremely encouraging!

I appreciate your kind words. I’m just one of many individuals here trying to get better at this hobby and pay forward the help and kindness other editors have shown me 😃

It sounds like your source preparation may be the cause of the pixellation. pleasehello’s post is pretty close to what I do and keeps the fidelity of the blu ray video file. Most Non-Linear Editors (NLE) will take a m2ts/ts file. Vegas needs aac vs ac3 surround files (highly recommend editing in 5.1 or higher as this will allow you the best opportunity to create seamless edits). Here’s my flow: Blu Ray > MakeMKV > TSMuxer (mux ts video file and audio files into separate files) > convert Audio to aac (most any free video converter can do this) or PCM Wav (Audacity) > drop files into Vegas Pro, sync and group/lock the files together. You can just throw an m2ts file in and often Vegas will be able to display the video and the surround track, but I notice that with some blu rays, especially Disney and or files that have multiple audio tracks, Vegas has a particularly hard time with allowing me to select the audio track I want to use, hence the creating a .ts and aac or pcm files as sources. It all depends on what your NLE’s compatibilities are.

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