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Help: looking for... 'Avengers: Endgame' - has anyone done an IMAX/Open Matte Preservation?


I’m wondering if anyone here has plans to create an open matte or an IMAX version of Avengers: Endgame. I’ve seen everyone doing with Infinity War last year and I think there might be plans to do the same for Endgame. The best I could do was find an HDRip of the Russian version of the film with Hindi audio, but it has two annoying watermarks and yellow text in some places.
I hope there’s a better copy of the film somewhere so that the Open matte/widescreen hybrid edit is possible. If not, then it was worth a shot.


the bluray came out early so remux is available

I have no more links sorry.


Also waiting for this version and stumbled upon that russian release with embedded watermarks. That said, the source is available somewhere. I did a comparison of the BD and this “imax” release, but noticed its not completely open matte. There is a lot more information top and bottom, yes, but some percents of the sides are cropped. That being said… this 16:9 version has far more picture information and is also my preferred format for home viewing. Let’s wait on the russians to release it without watermarks 😃 In the meantime, i’ll enjoy the Bluray and Bluray 3D in 1:2.40.


I just downloaded a 6GB 1080p WEBRip of the Open-Matte version. It has hard-coded Russian subtitles at the bottom-middle of the video for locations and the Hawkeye in Japan scene (unlike the stylised subtitles for the home and theatrical releases). I have the 4K SDR WEBRip (theatrical aspect-ratio) with zero hard-coded subtitles (even the stylised ones).

I figure, a combination of the 1080p blu-ray and Open-Matte WEBRip, and the 4K SDR WEBRip, they could be used to improve video quality of the Open-Matte release, and perhaps remove foreign subtitles in the Hawkeye in Japan scene.

Bluebird released a 30GB Open-Matte for Infinity War using blu-ray footage some time ago, but it still had hard-coded Russian subtitles accompanying the English location names. It was probably not possible to disguise cos the text is at the top which is from the Open-Matte.

I don’t have the time or and skill to 100% match the higher quality footage to the pixel and frame-by-frame. I assume Bluebird will attempt it eventually, it just might take several months to a year for a release.


Bluebird is a Russian site, so it’s normal if they leave the Russian subtitles, of course…

About using BD (or UHD) to get rid of hardsubs, if all of them are on one line, it is possible.

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


I Have An Open Matte Version of Avengers Endgame. It’s 1080p Bluray Dual Audio English 5.1 Hindi 2.0 HS audio. Size is approx 7gb. If anybody interested in downloading it. Please send me a personal message.