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The future of OT.com - UPDATE: Please donate! — Page 6


I’ve been absent for a few weeks now due to a sudden family tragedy, but am slowly getting things back on track now. And there’s a lot for me to catch up with around here I see!

I’d just like to add my own thanks to Jay for setting up this esteemed hive of scum and villainy in the first place, and wish you well in whatever your future brings. Like others, I hope you will continue to chip in with your own thoughts on certain subjects that may catch your attention here in future.

And I’m heartened to see things are continuing in the equally good hands of SilverWook and Anchorhead going forward, and that a healthy financial buffer has already been achieved so far these past few weeks. This site has given me a lot of entertaining distractions over the years concerning certain projects and subjects, and I will definately be contributing to the cause very shortly. In the meantime, I look forward to resuming my interaction around here too.

May the 4th have been with you all everyone.


As with all things in my life, I wasn’t paying attention. But I made a little donation.

TAFKA TheBoost


I want to say thanks for having these unique forums up all this time for Star Wars fans. I’m sure much effort went into that. Many thanks! 😃

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.


moviefreakedmind said:

Will the recent bans on certain types of conversations be lifted and will certain previously banned users like TV’s Frink be allowed to return?

SilverWook said:

Any donations made should not have conditions or strings attached.

Warbler said:

I assume that now Anchorhead and Silverwook are officially in charge.

silverwheel said:

Viva Silverwook and Anchorhead!

Or: The Admin is dead! Long live the Admins!

Have you looked at normal threads throughout the “old” OriginalTrilogy? They’re littered with “banned” symbols. History tells us that, in a change of power, one of the first things the new administration does is to free the prisoners of the old regime (who were mostly political dissidents, or otherwise “accused” before a “kangaroo court”). Even TV’s Frink, well known as a free-reigning trouble-maker (just look at his post history), also deserves that same clean slate.

Or: Down With Proposition #3,204

The second thing the new administration does is to strike down the myriad of old laws, which were a never-referenced excuse for arbitrary tyranny anyway, and replace them with brief basic principles.

So, I SECOND THE MOVE for amnesty, or jubilee, to remove ALL old banned status from the old OriginalTrilogy, for the new OriginalTrilogy. Regarding donations, there are always strings on donations, both plus AND minus, so that’s a pseudo-argument. Finally, I finish with a reminder, and good luck to us all:



imp-ardnfi said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Will the recent bans on certain types of conversations be lifted and will certain previously banned users like TV’s Frink be allowed to return?

SilverWook said:

Any donations made should not have conditions or strings attached.

Warbler said:

I assume that now Anchorhead and Silverwook are officially in charge.

silverwheel said:

Viva Silverwook and Anchorhead!

Or: The Admin is dead! Long live the Admins!

Have you looked at normal threads throughout the “old” OriginalTrilogy? They’re littered with “banned” symbols. History tells us that, in a change of power, one of the first things the new administration does is to free the prisoners of the old regime (who were mostly political dissidents, or otherwise “accused” before a “kangaroo court”). Even TV’s Frink, well known as a free-reigning trouble-maker (just look at his post history), also deserves that same clean slate.

Or: Down With Proposition #3,204

The second thing the new administration does is to strike down the myriad of old laws, which were a never-referenced excuse for arbitrary tyranny anyway, and replace them with brief basic principles.

So, I SECOND THE MOVE for amnesty, or jubilee, to remove ALL old banned status from the old OriginalTrilogy, for the new OriginalTrilogy. Regarding donations, there are always strings on donations, both plus AND minus, so that’s a pseudo-argument. Finally, I finish with a reminder, and good luck to us all:


It’s been over a year since the political dissidents in question were banned, and it’s been almost a year since the changing of the guard. If they were ever gonna be allowed back, it would’ve happened by now. Also, the mods have made it adamantly clear that it’s unlikely their bans will ever be lifted, even with Jay no longer calling the shots.

I continue to detest the verdict, and I believe it’s effectively killed Off-Topic, but them’s the breaks.


DuracellEnergizer said:

imp-ardnfi said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Will the recent bans on certain types of conversations be lifted and will certain previously banned users like TV’s Frink be allowed to return?

SilverWook said:

Any donations made should not have conditions or strings attached.

Warbler said:

I assume that now Anchorhead and Silverwook are officially in charge.

silverwheel said:

Viva Silverwook and Anchorhead!

Or: The Admin is dead! Long live the Admins!

Have you looked at normal threads throughout the “old” OriginalTrilogy? They’re littered with “banned” symbols. History tells us that, in a change of power, one of the first things the new administration does is to free the prisoners of the old regime (who were mostly political dissidents, or otherwise “accused” before a “kangaroo court”). Even TV’s Frink, well known as a free-reigning trouble-maker (just look at his post history), also deserves that same clean slate.

Or: Down With Proposition #3,204

The second thing the new administration does is to strike down the myriad of old laws, which were a never-referenced excuse for arbitrary tyranny anyway, and replace them with brief basic principles.

So, I SECOND THE MOVE for amnesty, or jubilee, to remove ALL old banned status from the old OriginalTrilogy, for the new OriginalTrilogy. Regarding donations, there are always strings on donations, both plus AND minus, so that’s a pseudo-argument. Finally, I finish with a reminder, and good luck to us all:


It’s been over a year since the political dissidents in question were banned, and it’s been almost a year since the changing of the guard. If they were ever gonna be allowed back, it would’ve happened by now. Also, the mods have made it adamantly clear that it’s unlikely their bans will ever be lifted, even with Jay no longer calling the shots.

I continue to detest the verdict, and I believe it’s effectively killed Off-Topic, but them’s the breaks.

Frankly, I don’t think they care. Really the only reason this site still exists is the preservation section. They don’t give a shit if the rest of the forum is a ghost town or not.


imp-ardnfi - wow, creating a sock account seems to be quite a strange way to ask and attempt to persuade the mods to overturn any previous decsisons or bans because you believe they were done in a “kangaroo court”.

That the enforcment of site rules was “arbitrary tyranny”.

Seems you are a likely banned member yourself - maybe a troll going on your post here - and this cowardly way of asking for “amnesty” to be let back in.

Good luck with that.

Tighten Up and then turn it all the way up to 11!


DominicCobb said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

imp-ardnfi said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Will the recent bans on certain types of conversations be lifted and will certain previously banned users like TV’s Frink be allowed to return?

SilverWook said:

Any donations made should not have conditions or strings attached.

Warbler said:

I assume that now Anchorhead and Silverwook are officially in charge.

silverwheel said:

Viva Silverwook and Anchorhead!

Or: The Admin is dead! Long live the Admins!

Have you looked at normal threads throughout the “old” OriginalTrilogy? They’re littered with “banned” symbols. History tells us that, in a change of power, one of the first things the new administration does is to free the prisoners of the old regime (who were mostly political dissidents, or otherwise “accused” before a “kangaroo court”). Even TV’s Frink, well known as a free-reigning trouble-maker (just look at his post history), also deserves that same clean slate.

Or: Down With Proposition #3,204

The second thing the new administration does is to strike down the myriad of old laws, which were a never-referenced excuse for arbitrary tyranny anyway, and replace them with brief basic principles.

So, I SECOND THE MOVE for amnesty, or jubilee, to remove ALL old banned status from the old OriginalTrilogy, for the new OriginalTrilogy. Regarding donations, there are always strings on donations, both plus AND minus, so that’s a pseudo-argument. Finally, I finish with a reminder, and good luck to us all:


It’s been over a year since the political dissidents in question were banned, and it’s been almost a year since the changing of the guard. If they were ever gonna be allowed back, it would’ve happened by now. Also, the mods have made it adamantly clear that it’s unlikely their bans will ever be lifted, even with Jay no longer calling the shots.

I continue to detest the verdict, and I believe it’s effectively killed Off-Topic, but them’s the breaks.

Frankly, I don’t think they care. Really the only reason this site still exists is the preservation section. They don’t give a shit if the rest of the forum is a ghost town or not.

The moderators?

Tighten Up and then turn it all the way up to 11!


DominicCobb said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

imp-ardnfi said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Will the recent bans on certain types of conversations be lifted and will certain previously banned users like TV’s Frink be allowed to return?

SilverWook said:

Any donations made should not have conditions or strings attached.

Warbler said:

I assume that now Anchorhead and Silverwook are officially in charge.

silverwheel said:

Viva Silverwook and Anchorhead!

Or: The Admin is dead! Long live the Admins!

Have you looked at normal threads throughout the “old” OriginalTrilogy? They’re littered with “banned” symbols. History tells us that, in a change of power, one of the first things the new administration does is to free the prisoners of the old regime (who were mostly political dissidents, or otherwise “accused” before a “kangaroo court”). Even TV’s Frink, well known as a free-reigning trouble-maker (just look at his post history), also deserves that same clean slate.

Or: Down With Proposition #3,204

The second thing the new administration does is to strike down the myriad of old laws, which were a never-referenced excuse for arbitrary tyranny anyway, and replace them with brief basic principles.

So, I SECOND THE MOVE for amnesty, or jubilee, to remove ALL old banned status from the old OriginalTrilogy, for the new OriginalTrilogy. Regarding donations, there are always strings on donations, both plus AND minus, so that’s a pseudo-argument. Finally, I finish with a reminder, and good luck to us all:


It’s been over a year since the political dissidents in question were banned, and it’s been almost a year since the changing of the guard. If they were ever gonna be allowed back, it would’ve happened by now. Also, the mods have made it adamantly clear that it’s unlikely their bans will ever be lifted, even with Jay no longer calling the shots.

I continue to detest the verdict, and I believe it’s effectively killed Off-Topic, but them’s the breaks.

Frankly, I don’t think they care. Really the only reason this site still exists is the preservation section. They don’t give a shit if the rest of the forum is a ghost town or not.

I have lurked here for years, but only joined up of late, and I must disagree with this claim.

The moderation team have provided the About, Help, Welcome, How To, Site project links, Site Timeline, GL: Unreliable Narrator threads, and Indexes for nearly every forum on the site - with regular updates as well.

They help many users with queries and point them in the right direction - in all forums of the site.

And are firm with people here who look to cause hassle or trouble with others.

In this modern day fandom and internet attitude, the work they do here (it is unpaid, as volunteers, yes?) is no mean feat. And also maintain the the security and integrity of the site given the underground and delicate nature of what happens on here.

They also ‘stepped up’ (this is the correct saying?) when Jay felt it was time to ‘step down’ after many years of service here. They also manage the twitter and donations to keep the site running. I do not think there would be a site without them - so how they not “give a shit if the rest of the forum is a ghost town or not” (outside of the Preservation forum).

Words and actions.

They are people of action. People of words look to knock them down - without merit or reason.

Eight/nine years of effort and dedication from two of the moderation team - and you claim they do not give a shit if the forum becomes a ghost town! Why?


I apologize if my words offend, but this is how I feel when I read your post.

You may know more than me about the history of this place - but I think you are wrong to say that about this website and the moderation team.


“political dissidents”?

We must save them from their oppresive masters and restore their freedom!

Oh, you mean the guy who told the site owner to go kill himself?

The other who bitched at the site owner repeatedly over considerable time - still bitches about this place and the community here in general on FE (the moderators on there remove his posts - to keep the peace?)

And the other, a bully who never believed he was wrong in spreading drama and shit all over the forums, derailing threads, and acted like he owned the place? All those requests and warnings must have been for someone else?

You mean those “political dissidents”?

They are not “political dissisents” - they are people who acted like entitled idiots and got what they deserved.

At least the young kid admits it was right he was banned for his part and shows some maturity and responsibility.

Sorry for derailing the thread further, mods. It had to be said. Am sure others disagree - and will continue to harp on about this for years to come. Oh the inhumanity of it all!

50 Cent is just an imposter


DominicCobb said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

imp-ardnfi said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Will the recent bans on certain types of conversations be lifted and will certain previously banned users like TV’s Frink be allowed to return?

SilverWook said:

Any donations made should not have conditions or strings attached.

Warbler said:

I assume that now Anchorhead and Silverwook are officially in charge.

silverwheel said:

Viva Silverwook and Anchorhead!

Or: The Admin is dead! Long live the Admins!

Have you looked at normal threads throughout the “old” OriginalTrilogy? They’re littered with “banned” symbols. History tells us that, in a change of power, one of the first things the new administration does is to free the prisoners of the old regime (who were mostly political dissidents, or otherwise “accused” before a “kangaroo court”). Even TV’s Frink, well known as a free-reigning trouble-maker (just look at his post history), also deserves that same clean slate.

Or: Down With Proposition #3,204

The second thing the new administration does is to strike down the myriad of old laws, which were a never-referenced excuse for arbitrary tyranny anyway, and replace them with brief basic principles.

So, I SECOND THE MOVE for amnesty, or jubilee, to remove ALL old banned status from the old OriginalTrilogy, for the new OriginalTrilogy. Regarding donations, there are always strings on donations, both plus AND minus, so that’s a pseudo-argument. Finally, I finish with a reminder, and good luck to us all:


It’s been over a year since the political dissidents in question were banned, and it’s been almost a year since the changing of the guard. If they were ever gonna be allowed back, it would’ve happened by now. Also, the mods have made it adamantly clear that it’s unlikely their bans will ever be lifted, even with Jay no longer calling the shots.

I continue to detest the verdict, and I believe it’s effectively killed Off-Topic, but them’s the breaks.

Frankly, I don’t think they care. Really the only reason this site still exists is the preservation section. They don’t give a shit if the rest of the forum is a ghost town or not.

Why do you think this? It seems you want to insult them.

The moderators efforts can be found everywhere on the site. Everybody can see them.



^ It is time for you to move on ‘imp_ardnfi’ - maybe find something most constructive to do than repeatedly coming back on here and trolling & baiting.

Maybe a community where you’d be welcome, to fit in, or maybe get along with other members - rather than attacking them.

Sorry to learn that you have some issues with what occurred in the past on here - though this thread is about the future of the site - not its history.

Thank you, and all the best.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


We’re still talking about what happened over a year ago? Everyone actually involved has moved on.


Handman said:

We’re still talking about what happened over a year ago? Everyone actually involved has moved on.

Unfortunately, not everyone seemingly has mate.


Anyway, this thread is about the future of the site - not its history.

There’s bound to be a more relevant thread somewhere in ‘The Cantina’ or similar for those that do wish to continue the topic.

A little patience goes a long way on this old-school Rebel base. If you are having issues finding what you are looking for, these will be of some help…

Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com | Introduce yourself in here | Useful info within : About : Help : Site Rules : Fan Project Rules : Announcements
How do I do this?’ on the OriginalTrilogy.com; some info & answers + FAQs - includes info on how to search for projects and threads on the OT•com

A Project Index for Star Wars Preservations (Harmy’s Despecialized & 4K77/80/83 etc) : A Project Index for Star Wars Fan Edits (adywan & Hal 9000 etc)

… and take your time to look around this site before posting - to get a feel for this place. Don’t just lazily make yet another thread asking for projects.


Not so active on the site these days considering recent events, but I proudly donated because I respect what everyone does for preservation and beyond. You guys are doing God’s work! Cheers!

“You don’t suck because these people say you suck. You suck because Stone Cold said so, and that’s the bottom line!”


Just made a small donation in appreciation for a bigtime favor that Silverwook did for me. Thanks again Silverwook.


Already did. Can’t hurt to help this site stay around as long as possible.


I got an e-mail saying my automatic donation has been cancelled. I don’t mind that I’m saving a bit of money now, but is everything okay with the site? Do you guys no longer need donations?


NewCanaanite said:

I got an e-mail saying my automatic donation has been cancelled. I don’t mind that I’m saving a bit of money now, but is everything okay with the site? Do you guys no longer need donations?

We took the donation button down after reaching a balance that should keep the site running for years.

Thanks for supporting OT.com! Your donations are much appreciated.

Forum Administrator