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Info: Jaws (1975) Original Mono audio


Pardon my asking but I’m curious if there are any original unaltered mono tracks for the 1975 Jaws? I’m disappointed by the modified audio track from the bluray and even more displeased by the ‘mono’ track on the dvds which has various audio issues. I would very much like to find the original mono audio track to pair with my HD release


For the benefit of those, such as myself who are unaware of problems with the mono tracks on DVD and Blu-ray, can you elaborate please?

“Logic is the battlefield of adulthood.”

  • Howard Berk

JayArgonaut said:

For the benefit of those, such as myself who are unaware of problems with the mono tracks on DVD and Blu-ray, can you elaborate please?


And because it’s a long vid I’ll break it down.

  1. Cassidy burps at the end of the opening scene. The burp is audible on the LD while its only faintly present on the DVD and BD mono tracks. The burp is missing completely on the DVD and BD surround tracks.

  2. This isn’t an issue with the BD or DVDs. Some pre-1995 video releases had different music playing in the background of the beach scene where the boy on the raft is killed. Subsequent releases have the correct music, mono and surround.

  3. When Brody and Hooper cut open the Tiger Shark, the sound effects on the 2012 BD/DVD mono are a fraction of a second out of sync. The LD and 2005 DVD mono have the correct syncing.

  4. When the shark tugs the Orca, the dialogue being shouted by the three leads is much clearer on the LD as well the DVD and BD surround mixes. On the mono track on the DVDs and BD the dialogue is a bit drowned out in spots.

  5. When the engine overheats and explodes, the sound effect of the explosion is in the wrong pitch on the 2012 BD/DVD. The LD and 2005 DVD mono has the correct pitch.

  6. When the rigging for the shark cage collapses Brody lets out a scream when the rigging lands and just misses him. The scream is audible on the LD as well as the DVD and BD surround tracks. The scream is a bit drowned out in the DVD and BD mono tracks. Additionally a shot of the shark wrecking the cage just before the rigging collapses has an odd drop in volume on the 2012 BD/DVD.

  7. When Quint and Brody bring up the wrecked remains of the shark cage, Brody lets out a subtle ‘yeah’. This is heard on all but the LD.


crissrudd4554 said:

JayArgonaut said:

For the benefit of those, such as myself who are unaware of problems with the mono tracks on DVD and Blu-ray, can you elaborate please?


And because it’s a long vid I’ll break it down.

  1. Cassidy burps at the end of the opening scene. The burp is audible on the LD while its only faintly present on the DVD and BD mono tracks. The burp is missing completely on the DVD and BD surround tracks.

  2. This isn’t an issue with the BD or DVDs. Some pre-1995 video releases had different music playing in the background of the beach scene where the boy on the raft is killed. Subsequent releases have the correct music, mono and surround.

  3. When Brody and Hooper cut open the Tiger Shark, the sound effects on the 2012 BD/DVD mono are a fraction of a second out of sync. The LD and 2005 DVD mono have the correct syncing.

  4. When the shark tugs the Orca, the dialogue being shouted by the three leads is much clearer on the LD as well the DVD and BD surround mixes. On the mono track on the DVDs and BD the dialogue is a bit drowned out in spots.

  5. When the engine overheats and explodes, the sound effect of the explosion is in the wrong pitch on the 2012 BD/DVD. The LD and 2005 DVD mono has the correct pitch.

  6. When the rigging for the shark cage collapses Brody lets out a scream when the rigging lands and just misses him. The scream is audible on the LD as well as the DVD and BD surround tracks. The scream is a bit drowned out in the DVD and BD mono tracks. Additionally a shot of the shark wrecking the cage just before the rigging collapses has an odd drop in volume on the 2012 BD/DVD.

  7. When Quint and Brody bring up the wrecked remains of the shark cage, Brody lets out a subtle ‘yeah’. This is heard on all but the LD.

Plus there is a sharp drop in the audio when Brody laughs at the shark’s demise


NeoMatrix said:

crissrudd4554 said:

JayArgonaut said:

For the benefit of those, such as myself who are unaware of problems with the mono tracks on DVD and Blu-ray, can you elaborate please?


And because it’s a long vid I’ll break it down.

  1. Cassidy burps at the end of the opening scene. The burp is audible on the LD while its only faintly present on the DVD and BD mono tracks. The burp is missing completely on the DVD and BD surround tracks.

  2. This isn’t an issue with the BD or DVDs. Some pre-1995 video releases had different music playing in the background of the beach scene where the boy on the raft is killed. Subsequent releases have the correct music, mono and surround.

  3. When Brody and Hooper cut open the Tiger Shark, the sound effects on the 2012 BD/DVD mono are a fraction of a second out of sync. The LD and 2005 DVD mono have the correct syncing.

  4. When the shark tugs the Orca, the dialogue being shouted by the three leads is much clearer on the LD as well the DVD and BD surround mixes. On the mono track on the DVDs and BD the dialogue is a bit drowned out in spots.

  5. When the engine overheats and explodes, the sound effect of the explosion is in the wrong pitch on the 2012 BD/DVD. The LD and 2005 DVD mono has the correct pitch.

  6. When the rigging for the shark cage collapses Brody lets out a scream when the rigging lands and just misses him. The scream is audible on the LD as well as the DVD and BD surround tracks. The scream is a bit drowned out in the DVD and BD mono tracks. Additionally a shot of the shark wrecking the cage just before the rigging collapses has an odd drop in volume on the 2012 BD/DVD.

  7. When Quint and Brody bring up the wrecked remains of the shark cage, Brody lets out a subtle ‘yeah’. This is heard on all but the LD.

Plus there is a sharp drop in the audio when Brody laughs at the shark’s demise

On which release??


crissrudd4554 said:

NeoMatrix said:

crissrudd4554 said:

JayArgonaut said:

For the benefit of those, such as myself who are unaware of problems with the mono tracks on DVD and Blu-ray, can you elaborate please?


And because it’s a long vid I’ll break it down.

  1. Cassidy burps at the end of the opening scene. The burp is audible on the LD while its only faintly present on the DVD and BD mono tracks. The burp is missing completely on the DVD and BD surround tracks.

  2. This isn’t an issue with the BD or DVDs. Some pre-1995 video releases had different music playing in the background of the beach scene where the boy on the raft is killed. Subsequent releases have the correct music, mono and surround.

  3. When Brody and Hooper cut open the Tiger Shark, the sound effects on the 2012 BD/DVD mono are a fraction of a second out of sync. The LD and 2005 DVD mono have the correct syncing.

  4. When the shark tugs the Orca, the dialogue being shouted by the three leads is much clearer on the LD as well the DVD and BD surround mixes. On the mono track on the DVDs and BD the dialogue is a bit drowned out in spots.

  5. When the engine overheats and explodes, the sound effect of the explosion is in the wrong pitch on the 2012 BD/DVD. The LD and 2005 DVD mono has the correct pitch.

  6. When the rigging for the shark cage collapses Brody lets out a scream when the rigging lands and just misses him. The scream is audible on the LD as well as the DVD and BD surround tracks. The scream is a bit drowned out in the DVD and BD mono tracks. Additionally a shot of the shark wrecking the cage just before the rigging collapses has an odd drop in volume on the 2012 BD/DVD.

  7. When Quint and Brody bring up the wrecked remains of the shark cage, Brody lets out a subtle ‘yeah’. This is heard on all but the LD.

Plus there is a sharp drop in the audio when Brody laughs at the shark’s demise

On which release??

I’ve heard it on the mono tracks for the 25th and 30th Anniversary dvds and the mono track on the bluray

Edit: Just rewatched the clip, its a sharp spike, not a sharp drop, mid laugh, not sure if it is an increase in decibels or what but it’s a very noticeable change midscene (2:00:28 - 2:00:30)


The 25th Anniversary DVD did not have the mono option. I’ll have to do some cross checking but I never noticed a drop in volume in that section on the mono on the 30th Anniversary DVD (that’s personally my go to version for the mono). Below are some clips. Based on what I’ve listened to over the years on various releases I’m pretty sure this is the source of these tracks.



30th Anniversary DVD




One thing I don’t really like about the LD track in this instance is the gun shot when he says ‘bitch’ lacks the punch it has in the other two examples. Just my personal opinion over what’s the best version of the mono, the LD version is a bit more definitive while IMO the track on the 30th Anniversary DVD is a bit more crisper though it has some audio issues in some spots such as audio crackle during the cage attack scene (an issue that also plagues the Blu-ray mono).


Hi, yeah, I was mistaken, forgot 25th only had the newer audio track but I corrected myself stating it was a volume spike as opposed to a drop, my mistake. I listened to all the links you provided and i can hear the volume spike in each (LD - 0:17) - (30th - 1:58) - (bluray - 2:26) - listen to him mid laugh, there is a sudden increase in the overall volume and I vividly recall that not being so. Let me know if you hear it also (and I’m not hearing things lol)


I think I know what you’re talking about and yes I have noticed this before. However, I’m not sure if it’s exactly a ‘volume spike’ since the quality of the laugh seems different before and after the jump. Before the jump it seems a bit garbled, after it sounds a bit better. This may have been a mixing issue. Given I was born many years after Jaws came out and I’ve sadly only caught a showing of it in the theaters a few years ago with the surround mix, I can’t comment on what this instance was in the theatrical release. However this seems to have been a recurring instance in all the video releases including in this clip (skip to 7:06) so who knows?



damn, I swear I’ve hear it on tv back in the 90’s without that issue. I’m now questioning my memory 0_0


I do not think that I have the LD, but I can capture it if someone does


Isn’t “bitch” in “son of a bitch” in the final scene also muted down (to be suppressed by the shot) on the BluRay? Or was it just the 5.1 audio that has this?


TheHutt said:

Isn’t “bitch” in “son of a bitch” in the final scene also muted down (to be suppressed by the shot) on the BluRay? Or was it just the 5.1 audio that has this?

It’s drowned out in the surround mix due to the replaced gun shot being so loud.


Also I do have captured audio files from the LD and 2005 DVD sync’d to the BD which I got from users on FanRes. Anyone needs them PM me.


Not sure if this would be of any help, but I am in possession of a Chinese VCD release of JAWS, which contains the mono mix. You can clearly hear Cassidy’s burp, so it’s the same mix on the LaserDisc, as far as I can tell. I can upload it if needed, though I’m not sure if the audio codec on VCD would be sufficient.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


the LD is supposed to be free of any noise reduction compared to the bluray mono


Yes but from a quality standpoint the mono on the 2005 DVD is a tad better though it lacks some of the effects noted above that the LD has. It’s a pick and choose situation. But yeah the BD mono is inferior to both.


crissrudd4554 said:

Would that be the same as this video??


That may likely have the replaced music during the earlier beach scene.

Yep, that’s the one — that’s actually my own upload from my old Jaws YouTube account. It has the original beach music as well, and you can hear Brody’s scream on the Orca very clearly.

I also do own a letterboxed LaserDisc with the replaced music, in case that hasn’t been preserved yet.


The VCD is now on the Appendix, as one might call it.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


So what is ultimately the best version as of now

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


The LaserDisc / VCD mix is the best audio source if you’re wanting something faithful to the original mix - because it is the original mix, and isn’t tweaked with like the 2005 and 2012 mono tracks.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


Moiisty said:

So what is ultimately the best version as of now

For content the LD.

For quality the 2005 DVD.

JawsTDS said:

The LaserDisc / VCD mix is the best audio source if you’re wanting something faithful to the original mix - because it is the original mix, and isn’t tweaked with like the 2005 and 2012 mono tracks.

I don’t think it was tweaked per se since the older MCA VHS copies not to mention the old MCA DiscoVision disc which I have burnt to a DVD sounds closer to the mix on the DVD/BD releases.


The only oddities for me on the BD mono track is the out of sync sound effects when they cut open the Tiger Shark, the engine explosion in the wrong pitch, and the drop in volume during a shot of the shark ripping the cage up. I’ve never heard these on any other mix. My guess the elements may have shifted or deteriorated over the years but then again they were just fine 7 years earlier so who knows??

One thing that the BD mono does ‘correct’ over the 2005 DVD mono is on the latter there was an audio glitch during the shot of Hooper’s spear falling towards the ocean floor. The glitch is gone on the BD.


The laserdisc isn’t even perfect as some are making it out to be. The LD mono accidentally excludes a line of dialogue during the scene where they’re pulling the cage up from under the water. In the original version you were able to here Brody quietly say “Yeah”, but on the LD mono it was omitted. Note that the line is restored on the 2005 DVD and BD mono versions.
