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Post #60476

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Terminator Thread
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Date created
20-Aug-2004, 5:44 AM

Originally posted by: bad_karma24
As stated before, AVP is the director's cut, not studio censored.

T2 is considered one of the greatest sci-fi films ever made. T3 is alright. Nothing special but worthy of the name.

First of all go read the AVP thread. I posted an article that proves studio censorship. An R rated directers cut is headed for DVD. Terminator 2 had redeaming factors like Robert Patricks preformance and state of the art effects. Though I personally consider Jurassic Park not Terminator 2 as the breakthrough digital movie. Since that was the first time digital effects realistically created a real creature. Terminator 2 is filled with flaws. Goody toshoes Arnie was awful. He goes from the Ultimate kick ass villian to "Why do you cry." Not even Arnie could make shitty dialog like that work. In Terminator 3 Arnie was still the protecter but he is less emotional and didn't have to take orders from some little punk. Terminator 2 John Connor was just a whinny brat. I honestly couldn't stand that kid. The future of mankind hah. Hardly the great man Kyle described. Did you know the reason he was replaced for the third movie was that he was a pot head. While the first movie was a realsitic scifi movie the second one destroys that with the T-1000. Possibly the most impossible scifi creation ever. The laws of physics prevent a machine like that from functioning. Though he was pretty cool but its all fluff. Possibly the worst thing was it totally fucked the ass of the first movies time travel theroys. Terminator 2 is alright I guess but considering one the greatest scifi films makes no sense to me.