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Post #1283960

Hal 9000
Parent topic
Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)
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Date created
4-Jun-2019, 4:55 AM

^ lol @ a quick transition to being executed.
Honestly, even the L8wrtr version of the scene has some awkward audio, with the music hopping back and forth. It’ll probably come down to whether I can pull off something better, and so I’ll try once I’ve cleared room to get Ep2 ready once pushing any one in-progress edit out the door (4, 5, 1, or 3!)

While I could add the droid analysis deleted scene, it’d be another low resolution scene, and it doesn’t really add anything. I like that we’ll be getting back Obi-Wan’s dismissive line about droids, which sort of helps explain him not remembering R2 or 3PO in ANH.

Oh, and the kids transition audio is the part where originally their kiss was interrupted. The following establishing shot has a single sort of high note to set a tone of intrigue, and I think having the full love theme fade over it would be jarring. At least what feels slightly off is original to the movie, but I know it’s not quite perfect. I like to think it speaks to the kiss being ominous.