What other version would they have? I’m pretty sure the deleted scenes as found on the Bluray are the best quality we’re going to get for a while.
TN1 does not have a better version of the scenes. Surprisingly, the deleted scenes were not on any of the theatrical prints that were scanned.
I saw The Team Negative 1 of the deleted scenes, even though they was damaged like the ones on Bluray, they were much more Sharper a lot more detail, it was somewhere on these forums, cant remember the link, so I wrote to them and not had a Response, most likely they never saw my messages, that why i need help in getting contact with them… 😦
These ones?
That’s from the bluray. Unless you have access to the Lucasfilm archives, there’s currently no better source for these deleted scenes than the official bluray. If they look cleaner and sharper, it’s because we cleaned and sharpened them, but as far as I know, we never completed the project - as you know it’s a ton of work.
Hay thanks for your reply, How can I get access to these so called cleaned version. I want to finish them plzzzzzz