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Evil Empire... — Page 2


Originally posted by: Han's Girlfriend
ric, your idealism is really cute.
i hope it to be like that someday too, but it's not probable. it has nothing to do with violence on screen etc, it's just human nature. even cave men were fighting each other and, as far as i know, they didn't have TV...

i liked the oreo movie. that's what i've always thought. the US would be so much better off if they'd spend more money on education. but i can't judge on that. never been there.

Caveman hit each other in the head because children saw their parents doing it. If we raised our children in a peaceful environment (cant spell sorry), what do you think would happen? It is possible, but unfortunally people dont want to give up their TVs and Big Macs and focus all their effort on the next generation.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
i don't know... i still think that it's part of human nature.
but there's no answer to this question. it has been raised a lot of times by philosophers from very early on and nobody has ever been able to find a solution so better drop this...

"Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain."

Originally posted by: ricarleite
Caveman hit each other in the head because children saw their parents doing it


Hmmm...who showed the childrens parents how to be violent?

lol omg maybe it was the egg?

no it couldnt possibly have been....must have been the chicken?

O who knows......I feel it is in our very nature to destroy all we don't understand. War has plagued our lil planet for 1,000's of years...shit man the only way to stop it is as the great Bill Hicks said:

"Not only do i think pot should be legalised, I think it should be mandatory..............

I have never seen people on pot get in a fight because it is F****** impossible....

'Hey buddy...', 'hey what?.......'

End of argument! It's kinda hard to hold a resentment when you can't remember 'em"

RIP Bill
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
unfortunately wars are somtimes nessassary. WWII is good example, Hitler had to be stopped. Is the Iraq war nessassary I don't know. True, Bushes reasons were wrong. But you tell me is the world a better place with Saddam or without him? And I garentee you if you ask the friends and family members of those whom Saddam murdered they would probably say that they are glad to be rid of him.

Weither or not the invasion was right or wrong, I believe right now that the US can't leave Iraq until it has a stable government.
um i think im gonna take a back seat on this topic & let you pro-bush/anti-bush yankees duke it out amongst yourselves!

i dont think its fair for a Brit, such as myself, thats not a particular fan of about the last 3 administrations foreign policy to comment on whether the worlds a better place without Saddam being in power ( seeing as you guys set himup in the 1st place, as you did with Bin Laden when it suited your needs during the Cold War)

Oh bollocks I said it
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
if we set Hitler up, does that make it wrong to take him down? And I'm not so sure we set Bin Laden or Saddam. Oh, and just so it clear, I'm not a Bush supporter, I didn't vote for him the first time around and I don't think I'll vote for him this time either.
as i said im taking a back seat & i mean it....

all that will happen is you'll argue your point & reference other figures in history & I'll make my point that perhaps the same action should be targeted against the REAL culprit & so on & so on until we have our own lil cyber world war 3...so you guys keep debating & just ignore the cynical old brit from overseas...

thanks you & goodnight

Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

Well. If they stand in America's way.

who the fuck are you to say such things?!?!??

you damn little incomplete monkey...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)

*We freed Iraq but we can't afford to rebuild the country. We can't hold their hands forever.

you are... FUCKING... kidding me right?


*Who profits from the war? Everyone but the evil regimes that like terrorism.

can you spell Halliburton, to name but one...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)

Im defintely NOT TOUCHING this topic with a 400000000000000000000000000000000ft long pole!
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
fair enough djjd...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)

Originally posted by: Warbler
unfortunately wars are somtimes nessassary. WWII is good example, Hitler had to be stopped.

I agree (and btw, ww2 would be the only war I would enlist to fight). But we must never let it happen again, this fact that we needed to kill so many people just to stop Hitler. What started that war was pure hate, and frustration about the post-WW1 world. If such hate didn't exist, that war would never begin. So we must STOP thinking that war is a solution, we must be able to prevent wars from happening in the first place. Now we cant do that, corporations, media and TV has screwed our minds, we learned that killing has more value than negociating, we are a generation that are doomned to never reach true peace, but... I still have faith in the little ones.

And about the pro-bush, anti-bush thing, it's useless, I won't talk about that anymore, at least, not here. I'll never make people who disagree with me to agree with me, so why bother? The only thing I really should say about that is: you people in america should fight for a change in the election system, and make 1 american = 1 vote, and majority of votes = elected. AND... make voting an obligation. So when someone as Bush gets elected, it'll be YOUR fault, or better yet, YOUR decision.

BTW, I swear, this is the first time I've seen such discussion in a message board that dosen't end in "you stupid idiot, you asshole". That means SW fans are inteligent, educated and polite people? Thank you all.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
I'd like to stay in the debate, as i find peoples opinions on politics fascinating BUT......... it's gonna get ugly real fast & I really don't wanna cause anyone offence on this 'ere forum! the problem is, we all have opinions on what is right & wrong but when you bring patriotism into the mix things get blown out of proportion really quickly! It's kinda like meeting strangers for the 1st time & after the small talk & a few beers you begin discussing other things such as religion............it's not good & only leads to intense arguments & as I witnessed in Belgium whilst travelling.....serious violence

Im sure I wont be able to resist popping my opinions in at some point BUT i shall do my best to resist & just watch the battle from the sidelines

Plus..im totally shit at arguing...i always end up giving up! lol
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
well I'd like to see are election system changed unfortunatly, that would require changing the US contitution and that is a very difficult thing to do.
how about the president of the united states just follow the constitution... ??
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
I'm not touching the war debate again. Like I said, I argued it once before and I'm not doing it again.

But I would like to clarify about Enron. Not that they went bankrupt. It was corrupt accounting practices. Enron had hired Arthur Andersen to serve as their independent auditing firm. They also hired Andersen Consulting to work as their consulting firm. Alarms should have been ringing at this point, but they didn't care. AC wants only the best to happen for Enron as would be expected. The better Enron does, the better AC looks. So when some of AA's own accountants decided to look for new jobs, AC shipped them off to work for Enron exclusively. Now, AC and AA have some control of Enron's accounting staff. When a questionable accounting thing would happen, AC and AA would have pull to get their former employee to cover it up and it was accepted by the brass at Enron. They knew it was wrong, but it looked good on paper. Until a non-AA/AC accountant at Enron blew the whistle on the whole operation and turned them in to the SEC. Ironically enough, the woman who blew the proverbial whistle still works at Enron. She did nothing wrong in her job, technically, so they have no recourse to fire her. And she can't leave because nobody in their right mind would hire someone they know is willing to go to the SEC. So she's effectively stuck there. She's a pariah in her own office and has no friends but cannot afford to leave her job. As for AA and AC... Andersen Consulting no longer exists under that name. They branched off and formed their own company and were told by Arthur Andersen that they could not keep the Andersen name (this actually happened just before Enron was exposed). So they are now known as Accenture. And Arthur Andersen may as well not exist because they've consequently lost nearly 100% of their clients.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
good explantion bossk. have never really known what was going at that time. was too confusing.

so, djjd, what happened in Belgium?
"Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain."
In Belgium I met some very nice Americans, Soth Africans and Italians.

After a nice meal and some bevvies the topic of conversation was changed from smalltime chit chat to topics that shouldnt be discussed amongst strangers:

religion & politics!

after an hour or so of heated, often fiery discussion, one of the Americans (who was quite drunk..you yanks don't seem to be able to handle your beer), a Catholic was so insulted by the comments of the other American, who was Protestant, that he resorted to physical violence to get his opnions across, the whole thing spiralled out of control & led to some nasty cuts and bruising! A very unpleasant affair!!!
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
Sounds like fun!

As for Yanks not being able to handle their beer... I would like to accept that challenge as extended. Since it's your challenge, djjd, you're buying. Dayv, I think you and I need to save face for our fellow U.S.ians. Shall we?

"Pints?!?! They come in pints?!?!"
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: motti_soL

*We freed Iraq but we can't afford to rebuild the country. We can't hold their hands forever.

you are... F***ING... kidding me right?


*Who profits from the war? Everyone but the evil regimes that like terrorism.

can you spell Halliburton, to name but one...

-No I am not kidding. We have to protect them for now but we can't afford to occupy the country forever.
Not in lives or in money. I thought you would be for leaving now. I'm only saying we have to leave when the job is done. But not before

-Yeah. I suppose Halliburton did profit from the war, but Haliburriton counts as part of "everyone but the evil regimes that like terrorism"

OK. Ricarlete (sp?)
Your idealism is nice but flawed. Evil is a part of human nature. We can't teach our kids to be nice by removing the violent images from TV. Obviously we have two very different worldviews. I, on one hand believe that there are absolute rights and wrongs established by God, and that humans are by nature going to do evil. History continues to repeat itself.

You seem to thing that somehow humanity can become peaceful by simply not engaging in war. But that is crap. Somewhere until the end there will always be someone engaging in evil and they will wage war. War is bad but it is the only option more times than not. Nothing but death or Divine intervention will stop Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden from being evil.

And, ric, if you insist on removing violence from entertainment what the heck are you doing on a message board about Star WARS?


Note: I am sorry about having two posts but since I have school most of the time I cant' reply consistently. Y'all leave me with a lot of ground to cover in two days.. since I seem to be the only conservative-minded person on these boards.

This makes me sick.

Are the liberals *still* stuck on the "Bush stole the election" crap?

Even if you hate Bush with all your might you must be smart or sane enough to imagine what would have happened if AL GORE were president. If Bush is stupid then Al Gore is an absolute moron.

If Al Gore were president 9-11 would have likely gone unpunished. The Taliban would still control Afghanistan and I know that Saddam Hussein would still be in power.

I am also sick of people saying that the president lied or had sinister intentions for going into Iraq. George W. Bush is our nation's greates president since Ronald Reagan and he is demonized and berated ten times as much. But I know I can't convince anyone here. It is obvious that y'all will continue to ignore the greater implications of the *worldwide* War agianst Terrorism and just attack the Bush administration.

But I guess if it were possible for me to convince one person to vote for Bush's reelection it would be worth it. I know that the president isn't perfect, and I know he has made some mistakes, but at least he has the courage to give the country moral leadership and go against popular opinion to do what is right.

Now for my Star War related sig....


I started to answer those two posts of yours, Darth Chaltab, but then I just realized it was useless, and hit the backspace. I'll never be able to change your point of view, and you'll never be able to change mine. We lived different lifes, all of us. We had different experiences. I understand your point of view, and I understand what you are trying to say, but, Darth Chaltab, do you understand mine? You don't have to agree. I don't even want you too agree. I just want you to understand why I say those things, just as I understand what you belive. Opinions, as I said over and over, are like clocks, there isn't a right clock, that's impossible, every clock is a little bit late, or a little bit early, but every owner of a clock belive his one is right, and no matter what someone says, he'll never change his mind.

BTW, by removing violence from TV, I mean the non-fictional violence. Star Wars is ok. And I'd never show a movie like "Natual Born Killers" or "Clockwork Orange" to kids, only to teen/adults. And I don't belive my view of a peaceful world is flawed. People are not evil by nature. It's just that keeping some people "evil-minded" is enormously profitable. We are good hearted people, we do mostly good things. About 0.01% of people actually do "evil" things on their entire lifes. I still belive in us, if peace can never be reached, so why bother living? Let's all kill ourselves right now, if that's the way it is...

I'll not post anything else on this thread, as I belive such topics can bring disarmony and anger between everyone here, and I don't want it here (the best message board I've ever found). But no matter what our political opinions are, we are all humans being strugling to live, and I'm sure you're all good people. I've never seen such discussion being taken in such a polite way.

* Offers handshake to Darth Chaltab *
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
*Jumps and scans Ric's hand for a weapon, but then accepts*

It is nice to finally meet someone who doesn't think they can change my mind.
I suppose I understand *why* you believe what you belive, even though I know you are wrong.

Anywho. I guess I've made my position clear enough. I'll respectfully disagree, and simply walk away.

*Footstepps moving away*
*Sound of Lightsaber shutting off*


chaltab... bush's "holy war on terrorism" is nothing but a scam and a curtain of lies. if he really wanted to get rid of terrorism then why not go after the IRA? the Tchechen terrorist? Blakan terrorist? you know why? because there is no oil.

the strike against afghanistan was pure and simple revenge with a shitload of overkill...

the invasion of iraq is unjustified and unconstitutional...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)