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Post #1276786

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Proof of Lucas’ revisionism in Rinzler’s making-of book?
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Date created
10-Apr-2019, 7:49 AM

Biggs Audio Dynamite said:

Is there a bullet point post or thread on here with all the inconsistencies or myths from George Lucas or Lucasfilm revisionism?

Winter Is Coming…

Sorry, I was thinking of something else, there.

A post is coming…

It may not be a very good post - though it will attempt to be an introductory source of info… compiling and highlighting some of the contradictions / revisionism over the years from George - and feature a few events of retcon-free Star Wars history too. As well as also pointing to some useful and more in-depth sources as well. Hopefully it’ll be posted on here sometime middle of next week.

Edit: George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist…

^ It is a start, at least, with some 25 bullet-points - and will hopefully grow with the input & knowledge of this community, as well as contributions, topics and info previously discussed on here for inclusion too. Or maybe it will just sink without a trace…?


Posts and threads like this one on the OT•com - My take (long) - from 2005 by my old wise friend - and many other similar posts by countless others on here over the years who were there at the start of this all… the original film, then sequel, then becoming a Trilogy in 1983… finally motivated me to do something like the above project thread.

And it is also for those of us who have lived through the actual history of it all - Lucas’ original story - before the later conflicting claims, retcons, disingenuous statements, re-writing of history in an attempt… to give some sort of illusion there was an overall ‘grand master plan’… so much so it is almost unrecognisable from the factual history of Star Wars. As well as being for newer or younger fans on here who only know of this new official revisionist history by George & Lucasfilm.



Edit: from the 36. Midichlorians and The Force… (and a 30 year retcon by George Lucas) post…

On midi-chlorians…

It is also worth noting that some 30 years later… George Lucas retconned the term ‘Midichlorians’ into JW Rinzler’s 2007 ‘Making Of Star Wars’ book (page 353) - changing the words and quote he himself had used back in 1977, when explaining some notions regarding ‘the Force’…

The original quote from Lucas’ 1977 interview with Carol Titelman (author of ‘The Art of Star Wars’) is:-

”It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different. The Force is a perception of the reality that exists around us.”

^ a screenshot of the original 1977 quote - from So what the heck are Midichlorians? - 2013 article at the official Star Wars website:-


The retconned quote - amended by George Lucas - and now appearing in JW Rinzler’s 2007 ‘Making Of Star Wars’ book is:-

”It is said certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells. The Force is a perception of the reality that exists around us.”

^ a screenshot from Page 353 of the 2007 book - with George Lucas’ newly altered quote… to now include mention of ‘midi-chlorians’:-


When fans noticed and questioned this retcon… author JW Rinzler later admitted Lucas had changed the original quote, here:-

‘[Please note: While we were preparing the text for The Making of Star Wars, Lucas added a note to this passage about midi-chlorians, bringing his original words in line with his later thoughts and the events of the prequel trilogy.]’

^ from the So what the heck are Midichlorians? - a 2013 article at the official Star Wars website.



There were some ponderings for an OriginalTrilogy.com’s own documentary? - though they were a good 10 years ago, now…


I always remember this from George - appeanrlty a joke - along with the old saying: ‘Many a true word is spoken in jest’…

^ from the ‘George Lucas’ Letter to LOST’ producers on the success of the ‘Lost’ TV series - a 2010 article at Collider. 😃