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Post #1276326

Zachary VIII
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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
5-Apr-2019, 6:27 PM

DominicCobb said:

Zachary VIII said:

DominicCobb said:

OutboundFlight said:

Valheru_84 said:

^ I actually thought “fair enough” in the ranking and comments on the prequels, thinking you’d grown up with them and are one of the few prequel lovers on here brave enough to tell it from their perspective. But as soon as I saw the ANH ranking and first sentence I knew it was an AF joke 😉

This has spawned some non-joking discussion
I did grow up with the Prequels, with ROTS having a significant influence on me. I do enjoy the overall story of these films, but the acting, set design, and pacing kills it for me. As an adult, I can barely take some of the choices (I don’t like sand) as serious. Yet I enjoy the era. The PT books / shows / games have always been my favorite. Not that I’ve ever disliked the OT era- I’ve just always viewed the characters, planets, and conflicts of the prequels more interested.

So much era ranking would be:

  1. PT
  2. OT
  3. ST

While my actual film ranking is the April Fools one in reverse.

If there are any interesting stories that take place in that era before the battle of Geonosis, I’m not aware of them.

Quite a few of the Age of the Republic one-shot comics take place either before TPM, or between TPM and AotC. There’s also the Anakin and Obi-Wan comic series, which I would consider one of the better canon comics, though the aesthetics are very non Star Wars (which can be a plus or minus) and the ending’s fairly rushed. As for novels, a new book about Count Dooku that’s set before AotC is coming out pretty soon.

I’m definitely curious the quality of the “Age of” stuff. They’re basically a collection of one shots, yes? Could be good but I don’t know.

I’ve been wondering if Anakin & Obi-wan is any good. That section of the canon is really ripe for stories about Anakin specifically. He’s so different in AOTC vs. TPM and I never really found anything that bridged that gap in the old EU. Rogue Planet was okay, I started Jedi Trial but wasn’t into it. Honestly one of the better things I read in that regard was back in the day I had a middle grade book called Jedi Quest that actually did try to find Anakin right in between the two films to decent success.

On the whole it’s sort of an uneventful time period. It’s cool that they’re finally doing something with Dooku because that’s another massive gap in the canon. From the old EU the Darth Plageius touched on Dooku a bit, and was also set entirely pre-AOTC (and is actually a pretty good book in general, though definitely very un-Star Warsy in many respects).

In general it seems like they’re starting to do more in the new canon with PT stuff (including and perhaps especially pre-AOTC - there’s Queen’s Shadow and Master and Apprentice as well), and it’s also fair to assume we’ll see more and more from the ST and also the post-OT, pre-ST time period which is a fascinating era itself.

The I haven’t read any Age of the Rebellion, but the Age of the Republic series is hit or miss. From what I’ve read I think the stories actually decrease in quality as they get closer to Episode 3, the ones before before Episode 2 can do their own thing while the ones after conform to the typical Clone Wars formula.

Anakin and Obi-Wan is good, Anakin’s character is definitely closer to how it is in Episode 2. I’d say the best part are the flashbacks, where Sheev interacts with Anakin.