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Post #1270427

Shopping Maul
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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
20-Feb-2019, 12:32 AM

Valheru_84 said:

nl0428 said:

Valheru_84 said:

Oh I’m very interested to see how the train wreck comes to a final rest so I can look at the mangled mess and move on, knowing that it’s finally stopped and I can actually start forgetting about it. Bit hard to be a Star Wars fan at the moment and not see all the usual stuff about the next episode and I guess you could say I have a morbid curiosity.

What I have zero interest in is paying to see IX at the cinemas or reading up on theories and additional content on the ST, especially if it concerns “Reylo”.

I’m sorry you don’t like the sequel trilogy, but I am a fan of the trilogy. If you don’t like The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, then you don’t need to go see Episode IX then. I hated Michael Bay’s Transformers movies, so I stopped going to see them. The more you watch, the more movies will be made by giving them your money.

No problem, the fact you like it is fine though and all I was saying is that I don’t understand how you expect Kylo and Rey to still get together after that chance was missed in TLJ. Rey would have to deviate massively from her current character arc (if you can call it that) and be ok with all the atrocities and blood on Kylo’s hands.

I did like TFA originally but it required the next movie or two to do a lot of explaining and that simply didn’t happen and as a result TFA becomes a pretty mediocre movie itself. So yeah, I definitely won’t be paying for a ticket to IX as there is literally no point for me.

With a somewhat heavy heart I absolutely agree with this. Despite some silly plot contrivances and the conga-line of Death Stars, I really liked TFA - but this was absolutely riding on the notion that JJ had answers to all the implied questions (which in turn would connect the new saga to the OT in a profound way). Now the thing looks rather vacuous. I’m genuinely curious about IX but not for the right reasons.