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Post #1265914

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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)
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Date created
23-Jan-2019, 9:58 PM


I appreciate your passion, and I think you have a well articulated argument! However, I will try to explain why I don’t like the space Leia scene.

First, a quick sidenote: RogueLeader, I don’t believe that was me you discussed cropping the shots with. For me, it wasn’t so much about how it looked as much as it was about my suspension of disbelief.

Simply put, it’s more believable to me that she survives the bridge explosion than her using the force to fly through the vacuum of space. It’s similar to Poe’s survival of the hanger explosion. They both get knocked out of frame, and are left as the only survivors of a missile strike.

With space Leia, she does things my brain cannot accept anyone in this universe doing. The strongest force users still seem to have basic human vulnerabilities. Emperor Palpatine is thrown down an elevator shaft. Vader is electrocuted (force electrocuted, but it still seems like the same idea). Yoda is knocked unconscious (and electrocuted). The basic framework of the saga has told me that these people get wounded more or less the same way most humans would. They’re not super heroes.

With space Leia, she is frozen and floating away in the vacuum of space. She’s dead, she has to be. If it was Luke in her place, he would be dead too.

When she uses the force to push/pull herself back to the ship, it feels like a deus ex machine on the filmmakers part, using a new power to rescue a character that should be dead (and that we were made to think had died). It’s a filmmaking device that just doesn’t work for me.

That’s only my perspective, though, and I completely understand you counter-argument. I like your ideas, too, so I hope someone tries to cut the scene the way you, jarbear, and RogueLeader outlined!