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Post #1264956

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When did you realize that George Lucas was full of it
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Date created
17-Jan-2019, 4:16 PM

StarkillerAG said:

I completely stopped believing in George when I found out that he edited midichlorians into The Making of Star Wars. If he can just change history like that, I don’t trust a word he says.

Are you serious! Do you have a time stamp for the offending piece?

It would seem then that even the original official documentaries need preserving as protection against revisionist George 😕

I have much respect for the man for numerous reasons and could never thank him enough for giving us Star Wars but in the same breath I hate what he has done to the OT and wish he’d had the type of people helping him shape the OT, onboard with him as well for the PT.

I don’t think George is full of it but the point at which I started seriously getting pissed off with him was the changes to the OT crossing a culmulative threashold where Han no longer shoots first, there’s prequel level silly shit going on around Mos Eisley, Obiwan’s force scream mimic to scare of the Sand People sounds ridiculous that it makes me do a “WTF?” laugh, Luke now screams as he falls down the Cloud City shaft, Vader says “NOOOOOOOO!” when picking up the Emperor, completely different end celebration music after the funeral pyre with obvious CGI locations celebrating, including Gungans.

Anything that simply enhances the original experience I was fine with and often improved the movie in terms of more believable effects, though with the OOT unavailable I think anything that replaces at the time ground breaking effects and models that people helping make Star Wars put untold hours and effort into, is simply not on.

At this stage I am also not happy that he sold the franchise to Disney. I think he should have kept hold of it and simply allowed other directors to make new Star Wars movies for him with himself as Exec Producer / Assistant Director and story consultant or something like that.
