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Post #1264247

Hal 9000
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The ‘Custom Special Edition’ That Almost Wasn’t, But Then Was (Released)
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Date created
14-Jan-2019, 1:57 AM

Thinking ahead to ROTJ, the biggest hurdle will be the Sarlacc. If I go for the full-on original version, it’ll be tough to get the DeEd or other source to blend well, I imagine.

In a perfect world, we’d have the option to keep the added cgi tentacles but leave the beak behind. I have no idea how difficult it would be to remove only the beak, but it looks like a total of 10 shots would stand in the way of that option.

(I can’t tell from the description, but this may be just what Adywan is planning to do. If that’s so, I might just have to leave the beak in and hope to do an update whenever Revisited is complete.)