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Power Hungry Execs...

This came from IMDb today (9/17)...


Lucas Says That Power-Hungry Execs Hurt Moviemaking
Star Wars creator George Lucas has complained that Hollywood continues to operate under the "Thalberg Syndrome," a reference to Irving Thalberg, the all-powerful studio executive who virtually controlled virtually every movie made at MGM in the 1930s. In an interview with Britain's Guardian newspaper, Lucas remarked that the tendency of middle managers to interpose themselves into productions has resulted in the film industry "making hugely inefficient movies for great amounts of money and they aren't creatively very interesting. Any studio you go to, you're going to find 30 executives working on your picture."

Doesn't Lucas qualify as an Exec insofar as LFL as an organization is concerned? Hmmm....

I also find it funny how he blames middle managers for movies that "aren't creatively very interesting." So, now we know who to really blame for TPM and Howard the Duck. And all this time...

Heh heh.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
lol nice quote Bossk...
hell we have so many contradicting quptes and stuff we could really put together a page on this site that just makes Lucas look really bad...
i mean why not show people the real Lucas...
the one who changes his mind more than he changes his underwear....
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Actually the middle manager quote is dead on. I doubt many of you have been on a movie set but it's insane. You get everyone coming up to you telling you how they think a scene should be filmed. And by everyone I mean EVERYONE. Guys who park cars for the day tell you how it should be filmed.

I'm a filmmaker and I once had a guy come up to me and tell me (This is a direct quote).

"Can't the lead actor be like three inches taller. That would make this movie much better."

I have no idea who the hell that guy was. I never saw him before in my entire life.

Although Lucas is pretty much a manager and studio exec. He's a studio exec for his own movie. It's not like he buts into other peoples movies and tells them to refilm something.

My 2.

“You know, when you think about it, the Ewoks probably just crap over the sides of their tree-huts.”

perhaps if Lucas was able to accept a little constructive input/criticism, the prequals might have been a lot better.
i dont think anyone could give him input...
i mean watch the documentaries on TPM DVD...

i dont think i saw one part where someone gave Lucas an alternative idea...
they all just nodded to everything that came out of his mouth....

they're afraid of losing their jobs prolly...
after all the man is practically Palpatine...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."

Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
perhaps if Lucas was able to accept a little constructive input/criticism, the prequals might have been a lot better.

A good artist ignores his critices.

Originally posted by: jimbo

Originally posted by: buddy-x-wing
perhaps if Lucas was able to accept a little constructive input/criticism, the prequals might have been a lot better.

A good artist ignores his critices.

No, that would be a stuck-up artist. A good artist is not afraid to take constructive critcism and apply it to whatever he's working on. Coppola, Kubrick, etc.... they're all good because they can take input from outside people if it betters their work.

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the war room!


jimbo where did you get the idea that a good artist ignores his CRITICS???
you will say anything to defend Lucas wont you?
even if it makes no sense....
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Lucas was seduced by the Dark side of filmmaking....
He ceased to be an artist and became an Executive.

Fine, mister Lucas, while you're at it why dont you replace Lando with will smith?

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalkeryou will say anything to defend Lucas wont you?

LOL! Luke, this is nothing new. I just wish some how, some way, some day, Jimbo peels the crud out of his eyes and really sees what Lucas has done. But something tells me that it will never happen.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
It may. Have faith. I once believed that Lucas could do no wrong either. I grew up. It happens to all of us. You start out blinded by the fantasy that is Star Wars and just become enveloped in it. I still love it, but I am a bit more realistic these days.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
well to be honest with you i dont even believe jimbo exists..

the guy has no details... i guess he's afraid of either getting bombarded with hate mail or virus' from people who dont like him or his views
he cant possibly be serious about half the things he says
and he says he's 16 but inhabits the maturity of a 10 year old..

hey im not saying he doesnt mean well or he's not a good guy...
but man if i ever had a friend like him i would kick my own ass
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
If you look at the original trilogy ,although Lucas was the main driving force behind the movie he was surrounded by a whole lot of really talented people who each helped guide the films to success, Lucas sought feedback from his peers Spielberg, Coppola, Depalma as well as the Gary kurtz's , Laurence Kasdan's etc. they were truly a collaborative effort, compared the the prequals where Lucas surrounded himself with a team of yes-men that were so excited to be working on a Star Wars film that they never challenged any of his lame-ass ideas.