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Post #1261227

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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
24-Dec-2018, 12:13 PM

Well since this war has literally only lasted like a day or two in universe, I really don’t mind that they haven’t already named it. It’ll probably get an official name after Episode IX.

Not specifically related to Anakin’s comment, but it feels like can’t we have any mystery anymore but instead it’s just a sign of underdevelopment when the people at Lucasfilm don’t want to give people everything at once. It’s like things aren’t moving fast enough for people. If we don’t have all the information and backstory immediately, then it must be a weak story filled with plot holes and a sign that they have no plan.

The Sequel Trilogy started development in 2012-2013 and won’t be done until 2019. So give or take six to seven years. We’re not going to learn all of the details until it is over because they don’t want additional material to contradict the movies before they even come out. Just feels like people are more impatient than they used to be, or can’t be satisfied with their imagination filling in the gaps until then.

Wookiepedia refers to it as the First Order-Resistance War, but I’ve also heard the First Order-Resistance Conflict. I personally like to call it the First Order Crisis, which I think has a better ring to it and not as long-winded.