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Post #1260145

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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)
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Date created
16-Dec-2018, 5:44 PM

Thank you both your for your replies!

NeverarGreat, I’m glad you see it too. I always wondered how the writers could see that crawl and not try to figure out a way to move “restoring a spark of hope” to the end. I guess they realized they weren’t starting with Luke and Rey, so it was more important to have a paragraph explaining what’s happening at the open (although I feel like the imagery and dialogue speak for themselves pretty well).

RogueLeader, that makes sense about the empty space! It looks like a spot for a pull-quote. I think I had the title logo in there at one point, but it didn’t feel right. Maybe I’ll look at putting something there, and if it doesn’t work I’ll leave it like you said!