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Post #1259842

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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit Ideas thread
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Date created
14-Dec-2018, 1:45 AM

That’s what I was thinking as well. The shots of the gun getting banged around are not something that would make it inoperable.

Another continuity error are the small islands behind the Falcon’s landing pad, which is a departure from TFA:


Maybe these islands could be painted out? The Falcon is practical in TLJ and CGI in TFA, so you can see a few differences in the body, but that doesn’t bother me as much.

I’m also planning to fix Leia and Poe’s conversations in the transport on the way to Crait by mirroring the scenes horizontally. Leia is sitting at the rear window of the transport and it would be pointed straight at the Supremacy, flying away from the Raddus and Crait, in the opposite direction of the other transports. Since the scenes are short, the mirroring isn’t too distracting and once you realize how the ship should be oriented it’s hard for me to see it any other way.