Thx for your answers! I should have elaborated that I know about the Vista screening and the IMAX prints of TFA and Rogue One. Are you sure there were 15/70 prints of TLJ though?
You are so lucky to have been to that screening of TFA. Are you the person that writes “” ? Anyway, what did you make of it?
I actually drove all the way up to San Jose to see The Last Jedi on 15/70 at the Tech Museum! Alas, it was on a dome, and so – I believe – were all of the 15/70 screenings of TLJ west of the Mississippi.
And no, I don’t write for them, but the print was spectacular. Saw Force Awakens opening night at the Chinese Theatre (3D IMAX Laser projection) and then that following Sunday on 35 at the Vista. There was a bit more flicker than typical (not sure if it was an issue with the projectionist – I’ve seen other films on 35 at the Vista without such pronounced flicker), but the colors and texture were terrific. It really felt like the best way to see that movie.