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Post #1256187

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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)
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Date created
19-Nov-2018, 11:00 AM

poppasketti said:

Luke’s milking the alien for me is enough to suggest his connection with nature and the force. The shot of Luke actually drinking it with the scornful look on his face (as if he was deliberately trying making Rey uncomfortable) felt a little too strong to me. Rey was already uncomfortable, so, for me, the purpose of the scene is already achieved without having Luke rub it in her face.

Yes, all of this! Honestly, before, my only real issues with your edit were keeping the “cowl” line and the milking scene. I think your fix for the milking scene solved my issues enough to say that this is almost certainly going to be my go-to TLJ edit - I can deal with one line that makes me groan. 😉

Super looking forward to this! I’ll have some actual free time over the holiday weekend, so if you want another set of eyes on your edit for QC before you officially release it, shoot me a PM, I should be able to watch it and give you notes on any issues that jump out to me by Sunday.

Also, if you’re working with lossless audio and want a DTS encode (though sadly not DTS-HD), I can do that for you once your audio is finalized, provided you can give me each individual audio channel as a mono AIFF or WAV file.