Warbler, i didn’t read most of that, but i do see some of your comments at the end, and i agree and echo them.
There has been no twisted re-interpretations on my part at all. Honest mistakes? Yes. Willful deceit? no.
With you assuming I am this terrible person and believing that I am trying to deceive everyone and making false claims and what not, I guess there is not much more to discuss.
It is very sad that this has occurred, oojason. Very sad. I wish I knew how to fix this, but I don’t. You are going to believe what you want about me no matter what I say and do. It is clear to me that our biases against each other are affecting our views and memories of what happen. If you weren’t so intent on believing that I am sort sort of terrible lying deceiving scumbag, maybe we could fix this. But we can’t. Very sad.
There has been a lot of broad stroke painting of various user’s intentions going on as part of the sh!t-fest lately, and it saddens me as well.
users are doing it against Jay / oojason, and oojason and Jay are doing it against users. It is a sad state.
time to remember that everyone on this site (well, other than the bots) are humans, and for the most part we want to be here and want to be part of the community.
All of this painting people as terrible and saying we are better off without them is not good.
Unfortunately when you are basically being lied about whilst being misled, then are asked for help from the same person and give them that help - only to be criticised and further misled… it eventually has an effect. There are many lengthy from PMs to me from Warbler starting off along the lines of ‘I am only asking for info’ before descending into an attack or dig because he didn’t like or agree with the info provided - or just wasn’t being upfront and truthful about his intentions? As well as snarky / snide posts afterwards.
Yet, after all this I was still answering Warb’s queries - even after my time a mod here finished… though after this latest incident, along with those comments about collipso’s open letter, I’m done with him; yet am quite sure Warb will carry on painting me in a negative light, along with him being misunderstood or forgetful, which he has done for quite some time until challenged and the fuller picture is presented. I don’t think Warb is a terrible or bad person - though do think he deceives people and has an agenda to not be found at fault when people call him out on incidents.
Meh. Life’s too short for continually indulging people like that (referring to my 1st paragraph here) - even online on a quality Star Wars website such as this. It’s better to challenge those one-eyed revisionist points made about you to give people a wider more accurate picture - wish your ‘accuser’ (for want of a better word) well, and then ignore him.
I agree with dahmage above. I had thought we had just about moved on and learned from our mistakes, but my posts here have been left unaddressed as the situation here remains the same. It’s really unfortunate and makes me sad.
Sorry mate, this is the ‘Warbler takes yet another pop at Jay, oojason and mods thread’. It didn’t start off like that - yet somehow descended into having digs at the above after a few posts. Huh - a bit of deja vu there. I’m sorry if your posts have got lost in amongst that - maybe a new thread for what you have to say would be better suited?
Though to be honest… I’d rather just move on and forwards - yet feel free to send me a PM if you have any queries or would like to discuss any issues.
Edit 14/12…
Firstly, thanks to Warbler for removing the name-calling content and also editing his initial post content to a more cordial tone - I hadn’t noticed his edits as they were made after his last post in here below.
You have corrected a few inaccuracies and brought up relevant info to the subject at hand that I had forgotten. But I give my word I never set out to intentionally deceive anyone. Your treatment of this shows what I mean when I say that you assume the worst about intentions. I admit that I have forgotten some important details which you have brought up? It is possible that it have forgotten things due to memory bias I don’t know. What I do know that I never intentionally tried to deceive or paint a false picture of what occurred. I don’t do that, despite what you might want to believe. For forgetting and failing to include important details, I apologize. Again it was not intentional.
With you assuming I am this terrible person and believing that I am trying to deceive everyone and making false claims and what not, I guess there is not much more to discuss.
It is very sad that this has occurred, oojason. Very sad. I wish I knew how to fix this, but I don’t. You are going to believe what you want about me no matter what I say and do. It is clear to me that our biases against each other are affecting our views and memories of what happen. If you weren’t so intent on believing that I am sort sort of terrible lying deceiving scumbag, maybe we could fix this. But we can’t. Very sad.
There is no fixing required as such - and no bias on my part. I’ve merely highlighted the ‘fuller picture’ (Warb himself admitting he’d somehow ‘forgotten’ and ‘failed to include important details’ to those parts which would have gave balance, accuracy and truth to many of his previous one-eyed statements and misleading re-interpretations). It probably just required Warb stop making these (and more) persistently revisionist claims - as well as the continued snide and snarky comments about me (or mod’s decisions) openly on the forums. Followed by repeated PMs asking for info or assistance - before making pops and digs when I didn’t agree with what he wanted to happen, or with what he was saying / requesting etc… followed by more barbs, and seemingly PMs too. Then rinse and repeat.
Re the quote from Warbler above - Warb makes reference in both lines that he believes I think him some sort of ‘terrible person’ and ‘If you weren’t so intent on believing that I am sort sort of terrible lying deceiving scumbag’… As stated before, even before his later edits to his post, I already posted I don’t believe that - let alone the intent to think such a thing - yet for some reason my saying so is ignored. Again, it seems a narrative is being built that doesn’t exist (other than seemingly in Warb’s own mind).
In the absense of any other info or reasons offered other than he had ‘forgotten’ - and also admitted ‘failing to include important details’ in many of his repeated reinterpretations - which near-on all appear to attempt to portray himself as unfairly treated - or me (and the mods) in a negative light… I came to the conclusion Warb was seemingly attempting to deceive people by doing this. Given Warb’s persistent issues and attitudes to / about me stated above… there seems to be no other logical determination to reach.
Now that I’ve ‘corrected’ and ‘brought up relevant info’ to some of Warb’s continued one-eyed revisionist statements… my work here is done - and there seems little point in going around and around with someone who doesn’t know how to fix a problem of his own creation (maybe it’s the ‘memory bias’?) - not that there was ever much fixing required.
Warb is 100% right when he says this is all ‘very sad’.
As stated previously - I wish him well for the future.
Ps - As someone else has questioned in a PM (and I have no answer for it either)… it seems there was no issue when Zion announced that Moth3r had been made a mod - yet for whatever reason it is a problem when Silverwook did so for me last year. Again, I don’t think it’s really been an issue - other than for anyone who wants to try and continue to make it one.