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Post #1253209

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The deletion of the political threads.
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Date created
30-Oct-2018, 3:56 PM

Warbler, i didn’t read most of that, but i do see some of your comments at the end, and i agree and echo them.

Warbler said:

There has been no twisted re-interpretations on my part at all. Honest mistakes? Yes. Willful deceit? no.

With you assuming I am this terrible person and believing that I am trying to deceive everyone and making false claims and what not, I guess there is not much more to discuss.

It is very sad that this has occurred, oojason. Very sad. I wish I knew how to fix this, but I don’t. You are going to believe what you want about me no matter what I say and do. It is clear to me that our biases against each other are affecting our views and memories of what happen. If you weren’t so intent on believing that I am sort sort of terrible lying deceiving scumbag, maybe we could fix this. But we can’t. Very sad.

There has been a lot of broad stroke painting of various user’s intentions going on as part of the sh!t-fest lately, and it saddens me as well.

users are doing it against Jay / oojason, and oojason and Jay are doing it against users. It is a sad state.

time to remember that everyone on this site (well, other than the bots) are humans, and for the most part we want to be here and want to be part of the community.

All of this painting people as terrible and saying we are better off without them is not good.