As I recall the problem was only one mobile devices. On desktops, it looked fine. Then again, people are using mobile devices a lot these days. However, as I recall, my sig had been unchanged for a while(multiple months), without anyone complaining to me and that includes moderators.
No, members here had voiced displeasure at having to scroll past many consecutive posts made by yourself (or near-on consecutive posts seemingly in the Politics thread) in which the size of your signature took up half a page (so I think it likely they were referring to viewing the site on desktops) - often containing one word or one-line replies / answers - in each post - making them apparently ‘difficult’ to find and read.
IIRC Members were also asking mods for clarification on rules in a bid to reduce the size of some other member’s signatures too (and for their own signatures) - which was also done; along with an issue re the photobucket image hosting company around that time too - of which an error on photobucket’s part resulted in some members’ signatures on here being ‘blown up’ to disproportionate sizes - or previously having large ‘photobucket wants $100’s from you to be able to 3rd party image link to’ type adverts in place of member signatures on here - a month or so earlier.
Anyway, back to your signature…
which can also be viewed here:-
Additionally, what made that situation personal, was the fact the in that sig was tribute to my father who had passed away about year before oojason complained about my sig.
For whatever reason, you forget to mention that both SilverWook and myself made mock-up alternative signatures for you - containing the same images and text in a more acceptable sized signatures (inkeeping with the rules). You declined them both (and further offers of adjustments/changes you may have preferred) which is fair enough - yet you also stated around the time you were considering changing your signature regardless - to something not relating to your deceased father.
(^ the image host is seemingly making them appear a little larger than originally done)
All I know I that I was making my sigh posts just like I had always done and then suddenly when oojason became a moderator, it became problem. In any event, I think we all have to agree I do it a lot less these days.
A few members had issues with your repeated ‘sigh only’ posts over a reasonable amount of time (as an example - - a post by you in October '17 in which you sighed 9 times in a row as replies to other member’s posts - followed by another sigh later on on the same page.)
Maybe when you state that ‘and then oojason suddenly became a moderator, it became a problem’ you meant that I was merely the mod who dealt with members’ continuing issues on your ‘sigh only’ posts at the time - (December, '17).
It seems my intent behind it to try and help you make your oft-valued points to others here (that was also explained at the time in a bid to try and cut down on misunderstandings to when you had previously posed ‘sighs’ and members would get the wrong end of the stick by you meant or what you were referring to - resulting in your original point being lost, forgotten or ignored. In a bid to improve the flow and understanding of the point you were making you were asked give an explanation along with when you sighed)… is (and was) lost on you. I think it’s also worth noting you didn’t seemingly have an issue with being asked to give an explanation alongside your ‘sighs’ until some time later.
Just so everyone knows what oojason is referring to here. It image in question was one of a westboro baptists protester, holding up offensive signs. I was not posting it condone, or agree with what they do or condone or approve of paedophilia, bestiality, religious intolerance, racism, or homophobia. I think the westbor baptists are the scum of the earth. I absolutely hate what they do. oojason knowing me as long as he did, should known that would not approve of those things or the westboro baptists. I posted the pic to show that not all peaceful protesters are good people. I thought I had made that clear in the initial post. I thought, if the post was read in the contexts of the posts that had come before and with the accompanying text with the pic, that my reasons and intentions were clear. But turned out it was not. I made more clear my reason for posting the pic later on, but it was not done fast enough to suit oojason.
No, it wasn’t what I was referring to (DuracellEnergizer is correct with his post on the matter) - it was referencing Haseo’s image containing paedophilia, bestiality and religious intolerance (and IIRC was also racist). Haseo also described the image himself as ‘vile in nature’. I received some criticism for banning him for the incident - that’s fair enough if people disagreed. Yet I’d have still done exactly the same if such noxious images had again been posted on here.
As for the facts of the situation surrounding your 2-day cool-off period (and later 1 week temp-ban, later shortened to 3/4 days) I refer you to your own ‘A Statement from Warbler’ thread, here - link - and maybe give some time and consideration to what actually occurred at the time; and also to my two reply posts addressing your issues and queries - along with hyperbolic statements back then by yourself - just to refresh your consistently failing & selective memory of events.
I don’t know why that would baffle you. We(regular forums) have no idea what you do and do not discuss in private.
Admins and moderators talk with each often about many issues on site - which is likely the case on many websites & forums. It goes someway to having more consistent moderation throughout the forum - which is a positive thing - as you have previously stated here, yes? (just a rhetorical question - do not feel the need to answer).
It may well have been. But I say again neither he nor I ever seriously wanted Jay to kill himself.
Well, that’s obviously fine and okay to say (and love it and find it beautiful) such things if you don’t seriously mean them…
(^ I shall await Jay’s inclusion of a working sarcasm emoticon for the forum, hopefully in the near future, to insert here)
It was not intended to be one-eyed. But you clearly had the ability to correct any inaccuracies that I had made.
It’d be more factual to say ‘you continue to correct many of my inaccuracies, false claims and my problems with moderator duties/decisions I don’t agree with’, yes?
You’ve made some of these (and more) false accusations & statements before - also previously rebuffed, and evidenced with facts too… yet here we are again… me refuting your somewhat one-eyed revisionist claims at best. Willfully deceiving and seemingly part of some sort of agenda at worst.
I can’t speak for Jay & The Mods - though am not surprised if they choose not to engage with someone who throws baseless & revisionist accusations (and possible agenda) at them, as you have done in here, on the open forums, in PM threads, and elsewhere too - over time. Though maybe they’re just busy modding.
I won’t be engaging with you in any further discussion - even in here - which has been only to correct your distorted claims. For whatever reason it is apparent you are trying to deceive and manipulate people into trying to believe your fictitious view… along with your likely forthcoming posts in here furthering your attempts to achieve just that… I hope others in here also see your false and inaccurate claims for just what they are… I’m no longer going to be a part of these twisted re-interpretations on your part.
As stated before… I wish you well for the future, Warbler - though I hope it is away from here, for both the good of the site - and also yourself. Good luck.