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Post #1248892

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
15-Oct-2018, 1:24 PM

skywalkerfan101 said:

fmalover said:

I will never understand how or why the copy-paste job that is TFA is so highly ranked.

You don’t have to understand. Just respect an opposing opinion (even if you disagree) and move on.

Anyway, my rank (if you have a problem it, oh well…):

Return Of The Jedi [Love-Favorite SW movie]
The Empire Strikes Back [Love]
A New Hope (or Star Wars) [Love]
The Last Jedi [Love]
The Force Awakens [Love]
Rogue One (TLJ, TFA, & R1 may switch around depending on my mood I think)[Love]
Revenge Of The Sith [Like]
The Phantom Menace [Like]
Attack Of The Clones [Mostly Okay-Least Favorite SW movie]

Haven’t seen Solo yet.

See it! If you liked every movie but one and that one was still mostly okay, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t at least like this one at a minimum.