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Post #1247882

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Doctor Who
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Date created
11-Oct-2018, 12:53 PM

Anchorhead said:

I particularly liked the scene where The Doctor is irritated at Tim Shaw for pulling a tooth from someone he just killed, as though that crossed the line for totally disrespecting the victim. She seems genuinely more bothered by that than the killing. For me, that’s the kind of depth of character & scene that’s been missing the past few years.

Exactly! I loved that.

How could she fall from the sky down into a train without breaking every bone of her body and having to regenerate again?

I’m glad you enjoyed the episode, but… there was also that one scene in The End of Time where the Doctor freefalled several hundred feet, crashed through a glass ceiling, and was still well enough to aim a gun…

What I mean to say is… the incredible improbability here is nothing new… and can easily be explained away by the weirdness that is regenerating.