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Post #1247530

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Doctor Who
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Date created
9-Oct-2018, 11:17 PM

If that’s confirmed, then it sounds like a great time to try again.

Well, they haven’t explicitly said as such, but whenever the show gets a whole new creative team, they like to start fresh. It happened when Russell T. Davies left with Tennant, and it’s happening again with Moffat leaving with Capaldi. The show is really pushing the idea of being completely refreshed, even getting rid of Murray Gold, who wrote the music for the show since its revival. It’s safe to say this is an entirely different interpretation of the show. Right now is the perfect time to try again.

Every time I’d just about given up on the show, a great episode would appear and convince me to give it another chance. I can’t think of another show with which I’ve had such a love/hate relationship. I so desperately want to like it.

Oh, definitely. For every five average episodes, there are two damn near incompetent ones, and one that’s absolutely fantastic. And that episode, along with the surprisingly solid concept for the show, is enough to keep you going. The actors who’ve played the Doctor have been so consistently good, that there have been many times where I’d watch an episode just to see more of that performance, regardless of how bad the writing gets. And by the end of Capaldi’s run, it got really bad…