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Post #1245690

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
3-Oct-2018, 4:38 PM

Jay said:

SilverWook said:

And seriously? Presidential Alert? The ego of this guy…


Former President Barack Obama signed a law in 2016 requiring FEMA to create a system that lets US presidents send cellphone alerts regarding public safety issues like natural disasters and “terrorism.”


The test, originally planned for last month but delayed by Hurricane Florence, was the culmination of many years of work. The federal government developed a system to issue the alerts, which are scripted in coordination with numerous government agencies. They are limited to 90 characters, but will be expanded to 360 in the future.

Trump didn’t personally send a message to your phone.

Not yet. 😉

And I get that it was named before Trumpy took office. Remains to be seen if people will more willingly flee a hurricane because they get a text versus all the warnings given on tv.