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Post #1245544

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The "101 Ways to Kill Off-Topic For Good" Thread
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Date created
3-Oct-2018, 12:34 PM

ChainsawAsh said:

Doesn’t mean you get to behave as if you’re entitled to more respect than everyone else.

You see that, right? How you can see someone making a joke at someone else’s expense and you play along and find it amusing with no problem, but as soon as it involves you in even the slightest or mildest of ways, you cry harassment and bullying and tell the nearest authority figure how everyone’s out to get you and they deserve to be punished for it?

I don’t think I’ve done that. I don’t think I’ve ever made an accusation of harassment over just one joke. If I make a call of harassment, it has to do with multiple things(multiple comments, actions, context, history, etc).

I wouldn’t make an harassment call on just one joke.

and I certainly don’t think I’m entitled to any more respect than everyone else is.