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Post #1243796

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
27-Sep-2018, 3:47 PM

Jay said:

Handman said:

Jay said:

That said, to argue against your point, the number of people on the right who show up for protests and marches are dwarfed by left. Trump inspires lefties to go nuts and march in the millions. The right largely just stays home and stockpiles guns šŸ˜‰

Did you forget the other rallies Trump inspires? The left rallies may be largerā€¦

Itā€™s interesting that rallies on the right make you think of white nationalists. Do you immediately associate rallies on the left with Antifa? BLM?

Iā€™m not conflating white nationalists with the right in its entirety, but after I posted that I had a feeling itā€™d be interpreted that way. Sorry about the confusion there. They sure as hell ainā€™t lefties though, and Trumpā€™s failure to condemn the white nationalists has done nothing to deter them. In fact, they feel like the president supports them.