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Post #1243358

screams in the void
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General Star Wars Random Thoughts Thread
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Date created
26-Sep-2018, 9:03 PM

^ I agree and I don’t really understand it because the books are still on the shelves in most bookstores , it’s not like they don’t exist anymore . I think the ideal situation would be for Disney to put out direct to video /streaming animated adaptations ala the DC animated universe of that material . And being a fan of the original Marvel Star wars comic , I remember a time in the early 90s when those stories were considered an alternate universe . Did not bother me all that much , I just found ways to fit them into my personal head canon . Then of course , they decided those stories had some merit after all and incorporated them into later novels . But the new movies would have had to incorporate hundreds of stories if they had continued the books in the films and the general public would have no idea what the hell was happening .