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Post #1241055

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
17-Sep-2018, 8:03 PM

Now I wish to address why I lost my temper and went off. While I agree there is no justification, there is explanation. I was pushed to the edge. I was falsely accused of opposing any protest that “ruffles peoples’ feathers”, and of worshiping the flag. I was falsely accused of putting order and etiquette ahead of justice. I was falsely accused of being nationalistic. Just about the worst was being falsely accused of using children of soldiers that made the ultimate sacrifice as a shield. (the only reason I posted those pics was to show how the flag isn’t just a piece of cloth, not to use them as a shield). I was very offended by that. I was falsely accused of not being a patriot and being unAmerican. These assumptions were all made by someone that barely knows me or anything about me. Anyone that wants to tell me that I don’t get grief for my position on the protests during the National Anthem, I will quote the posts from this debate. What was said, hurt, and it got to me. I had finally had enough of the rude insulting and disrespectful treatment and I lost my temper. Despite what that person thinks, I am not the terrible person he thinks I am.

Yes, I deserved my ban. But I am not the only one that crossed the line. I consider the above a rude and dirty and low and insulting way to debate(bully?), and I refuse to engage with that person again.

I see that the person in question has continued to cross the line with a very offensive thread title about cops. I refuse to post in that thread. If someone wants to create thread to talk about all the cop shootings and which are justified and which aren’t and to talk about the state of our policing and what is good and bad and what needs to be changed, that is fine. But to name the thread what it was named is wrong and offensive. I can only imagine how Ferris would react if he saw it. What about new members that might come along that happen to be cops? I am disappointed that Jay and the mods allowed it.