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Post #1239471

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The 2 Ewok Films - 'Caravan Of Courage' (aka 'The Ewok Adventure'), & 'Battle For Endor'
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Date created
12-Sep-2018, 2:03 AM

The one near us allows members to check out up to two movies at a time, and they have a huge selection from across space and time. It’s like having DVD rental from Netflix again, but free. It’s wonderful.

Just some random observations from the movies:
-Logray is clearly strong with the Force, raising some interesting implications with the Ewok’s effectiveness against the Empire.
-The beasts crashing through the forest is a trial run for a certain scene in TPM.
-Wilford Brimley says ‘power oscillator’ at some point, which I like to think inspired ‘thermal oscillator’ in TFA.
-George is already obsessed with the final scene of ET based on how he handles the spaceship launch.
-Every character in these movies is more compelling than any character in the prequels.