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Favorite abridged Star Wars series?


Auralnauts? Bad Lip Reading? Darths & Droids? Some other I haven’t heard of?

I’d say Auralnauts is better at story while Bad Lip Reading is better at music. However, my favorite by far is Darths & Droids. I don’t even play DnD (although I probably should) and I still find it hilarious. They did a play that adapts The Phantasmal Malevolence, which is great, but you should read the comic too. The play doesn’t have the direct connection of movie stills and cuts some content for time.


I like both BLR and Auralnauts. It was kind of cool to see how much each Auralnauts adaptation just kept involving into a bigger thing. Like, the first one of Phatom Menace was funny. Never expected they would try to continue the story, which worked surprisingly well I think.

What exactly is Darths & Droids? Is it something on YouTube?


It’s a comic which reimagines all the Star Wars movies as a DnD-style campaign. I highly recommend it.


Ive actually been reading Darths and Droids http://darthsanddroids.net recently. I’m in episode 3 at the moment. So funny! I remember discovering it when they were still working their way thru episode 2 but then I just stopped following it. Now I see they have completed the PT, the OT, and are almost through Rogue One.

Auralnauts is my perferred way of watching the prequels, if I’m going to watch them.

I’m unfamiliar with Bad Lip Reading except for that hilarious song with Yoda about a log. Guess I need to investigate more of that…


Bad Lip Reading does what it says on the tin, which amounts to an unfunny alphabet soup of random words. It’s only good when they’ve got a nice tune to go along with it.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Bad Lip Reading does what it says on the tin, which amounts to an unfunny alphabet soup of random words. It’s only good when they’ve got a nice tune to go along with it.

It’s quite evident you haven’t embraced the absurd side of the Force.