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Post #1239243

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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)
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Date created
10-Sep-2018, 3:25 PM

NeverarGreat said:

DZ-330 said:

New changes are good to better match with TLJ, please leave in V2 for SKB.

I remember Dom arguing that placing a Snoke scene after the Oscillator sabotage would throw off the pacing of the end of the movie. At the time I thought the benefit to the story would outweigh this negative, but having viewed Restructured V2 quite a few times this year I have come around to Dom’s way of thinking on this. It really stops the movie in its tracks to manufacture a threat which we know won’t materialize, when the focus should be on the fallout from Han’s death on our other main characters.

I think you might be remembering incorrectly, as I believe I suggested the opposite (although it’s possible I argued that a specific clip test of the idea had poor pacing). I was one of the people pushing hardest for the weapon to turn on the Resistance base during the climax. “A threat which we know won’t materialize” is a very strange and, in my opinion, misguided way to look at it. Without that threat, basically half the tension of the climax is completely erased. Seeing the Resistance fighters continue the attack to blow up the base without any pressing need to was easily the weirdest part of the V1 Restructured, and the number one thing that to me made it obvious it was a fan edit.

Granted, I have not yet watched V2, so I can’t say for sure how well the idea works in practice.