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Post #1238806

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
8-Sep-2018, 5:03 PM

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

chyron8472 said:

Personally, I think boycotting Nike is misdirected outrage, and that this outrage is just a fad. So many consumer boycotts come and go, and next year no one will remember this one. Being angry at Nike is just the recent popular thing to do.

Well I know it won’t do any good, but I won’t be buying anything from them. It is a matter of principle for me. I have as just as much to protest via boycott as those that protest via disrespecting the Anthem.

Honestly I think you’re the one disrespecting the country. You’re one of these people that’s opposed to any kind of protest that ruffles people’s feathers.

ruffing feathers is one thing, disrespecting the country is another.

If you don’t know why the ideals of America are worth of respect, I don’t know what to tell you.

I actually do respect the ideals of America. I think that the flag worship you and President Trump demand is antithetical to those ideals.

I don’t worship the flag, I respect it.

That’s sad. It’s a piece of cloth.

It is more than a piece of cloth

Don’t give me that. My family is full of veterans. A member of my immediately family was actually shot multiple times in the service, and guess what, he’s in support of the NFL players.

I thank all the veterans in your family for their service.

Bullshit, you respect at least some of them less. You admitted that.

I said tiny bit less, but I still respect them a lot.

I’ll try to illustrate how repugnant your statement is. You know that crying little girl and the crying little boy that you threw out in front of yourself as a human shield when you couldn’t answer my questions? Imagine if their dads who died while serving the country supported these anthem protests. Imagine admitting to those kids that even though their loved ones died while serving the country (which is more than your ass has ever done), you respect them less because they didn’t oppose something that you consider to be disrespectful. Imagine that. You aren’t a patriot. Your outrage isn’t about veterans. You’re one of these flag-wavers that cares more about tradition and arbitrary rituals than you care about the actual people that make up this country. There’s nothing patriotic about that at all. I hope that someday you’re able to realize that, not because I care if you see the light or anything that, I just think it’d be funny if you realized that your stance on this is unAmerican to the core and indistinguishable from Donald Trump’s position on this.

Most of your post was full of irrelevant stuff so I didn’t quote it, but I wanted to say that I did subject myself to the Mike the Cop videos. I watched plenty of his shit, I just didn’t watch him ramble for the full hour because I don’t have time for that, and you exaggerated that into this lie that I didn’t watch what he had to say on the murdered kid even though I did.

And Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t stand for the anthem or pledge for some arbitrary religious reason. Got a problem with them?

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

What I’ll never understand about this debate is that kneeling is literally a form of respect.

Not when it is done during the Nation Anthem which is a clear violation of the proper protocol.

Proper protocol my ass. The same people complaining the loudest are the ones who have the American flag on their underwear.

I don’t have the flag on my underwear.

I never said you did. I’m sure you follow the rules to the letter.

Following protocol and showing respect aren’t necessarily the same thing.

When the rules say you should stand at attention and you kneel, I have having hard time seeing how that is not disrespectful.

What you described is them being disrespectful to the rules. Not disrespectful to the flag/what it stands for (not that I’d have a problem if they did, but they aren’t so). Unless you think it stands for “the rules”…

Anyway following the rules has no direct correlation with actual respect. They’re on different planes.

If you can’t see that kneeling when it is clear you are supposed to stand is disrespectful, that protesting the Nation Anthem is disrespectful, I don’t know what else to say to you.

They’re not protesting the anthem.

In your opinion.

No, it’s a fucking fact! It is a 100% fucking fact! Facts aren’t dependent on your opinion! He’s protesting during the anthem. He’s not protesting the anthem, just like he isn’t protesting the flag, or protesting genetically modified food, or protesting vaccines, or protesting the MPAA, or any other thing! He’s protesting police brutality during the national anthem! FOR FUCKS SAKE! Why is that so complicated to you?! Are you trolling us? I hope to God that you are because if not, then this is some of the most mind-blowing shit that I’ve ever encountered on the internet!